New to Oblivion Modding.

Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:41 am

Ok first off I want to say I'm not some noob coming in here asking what are the best mods. I have a specific list of things I want to add to the game and I have a few years of modding experience with Morrowind. However I've never played Oblivion on the PC so this is a new experience for me. There probably aren't a lot of differences between the two as far as modding goes, but it's best to be safe and that's why I'm making this thread.

1.Ok first off I need links to the basics like Wrye Bash and everything I need to run it and anything else I need to install to properly mod Oblivion. Such as utilities and what not. Also is there a program for Oblivion that is similar to MGE for Morrowind?

2. I need basic compatible graphics mods/overhauls that keep to lore. This means that they don't add a bunch of fantasy stuff that wouldn't fit in with the Vanilla game very well. I need overall graphics as well as better graphics for armor, weapons, and Items. Also I need high res body/head replacers and things of that nature.

3. A friend told me about land expansions that add Hammerfell, Valenwood, and Elsweyr. I would like to have links to those and all of the programs that I need to run/install those. Also any other province adding mods. No new random stuff that isn't in Lore like random Islands out in the middle of nowhere.

4.Any other necessary mods that improve gameplay/graphics without making it outlandish.

5. Finally just put some interesting mods that fit in with lore that could go in any of the other categories. For instance a mod that adds some nice weapons to the game that look realistic and not like they came out of a Kit Rae magazine. Or maybe a nice Island off to the south that DOES NOT conflict with a whole boat load of stuff.

Final Note: I'm trying to keep this as lore friendly as possible for right now like I stated earlier. I want it to seem like the game was expanded and not modified into something entirely different. Also if I sound like I'm being an ass about all this stuff I'm sorry, I'm not meaning it like that. I just had a rather bad first encounter with mods in Morrowind a few years ago and want to make sure I have all of my ducks in a row this time.
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Imy Davies
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:14 am

Actually, almost everything you mention here has active threads on the forum. You can chase down all the content you're looking for by glancing at four or five pages of the forum and finding links to current projects.

This is one of the best site about mods general, but it has very good graphics mod information especially, with coherant instructions. Great site, one of the few.

You also definately want to register at and - very active and current sites with great communities. Searching those will do wonders.

For some graphic improvements (armor and weapons) you cannot do better than InsanitySorrow. He works at TESAlliance, but he has threads here as well. Great stuff.

You mention "Lore Friendly" alot, I'm the same way - not crazy about finding jarring content from nowhere. To be honest, as long as you stick to the mainstream popular mods I don't think you're going to have an issue. Sure, there are sword mods out there that can make you God, but if you check the readmes they pretty much say that. Lore Friendly is the standard most of the more successful mods. If you're not sure, always check the readme, and you can always ask here.
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:06 pm

Certainly, do register at and - there is no good reason not to, and while the Nexus has the vast majority of mods available and easily found via search, the Alliance has some mods that cannot be found anywhere else, or only at the odd other place here and there, in some cases.

Almost (?) everything can be found by using Google, the Nexus's search function (including Advanced Search), or the Alliance's search function.

Wrye Bash is your best bet, when it comes to organising, installing, configuring and (occasionally) uninstalling mods. You will also need a few other things. A handy site for such a list is right here -> - though of course, keeping up with the latest release threads is a good idea. Not to mention reading documention as you go, naturally.

The first thing worth mentioning, before I forget, is that if you are running Vista or Windows 7, it would be a good idea to install Oblivion somewhere outside Program Files, or Program Files (x86) - many choose C:\Games\Oblivion or similar, but it doesn't matter, for the most part.

edit: Oh, and the other thing is the Wrye Bash Pictorial Guide (try either Google or the Nexus) - a nice way to start with what can otherwise appear to be a rather unintuitive (yet essential) modding tool.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:16 pm

Actually, almost everything you mention here has active threads on the forum. You can chase down all the content you're looking for by glancing at four or five pages of the forum and finding links to current projects.

This is one of the best site about mods general, but it has very good graphics mod information especially, with coherant instructions. Great site, one of the few.

You also definately want to register at and - very active and current sites with great communities. Searching those will do wonders.

For some graphic improvements (armor and weapons) you cannot do better than InsanitySorrow. He works at TESAlliance, but he has threads here as well. Great stuff.

You mention "Lore Friendly" alot, I'm the same way - not crazy about finding jarring content from nowhere. To be honest, as long as you stick to the mainstream popular mods I don't think you're going to have an issue. Sure, there are sword mods out there that can make you God, but if you check the readmes they pretty much say that. Lore Friendly is the standard most of the more successful mods. If you're not sure, always check the readme, and you can always ask here.

Thanks man! I have a friend that's listed a good 60 something mods that deal with immersion and realism. I took a look at the OOO readme and that looked like something I want get.

What exactly is MMM and FCOM? And are there threads for things like OBMM on here? (haven't checked yet, I will after I reply)
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Emmie Cate
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:13 pm

What exactly is MMM and FCOM? And are there threads for things like OBMM on here? (haven't checked yet, I will after I reply)

Martigen's Monster Mod, and... FCOM, respectively. FCOM is the only way you can run MMM, OOO and Francesco's overhaul (plus a number of other major mods of old) all at once. It also does a few other things, but in essence, it allows three, four or more major overhauls to play nicely.

Yes, Oblviion Mod Manager most likely has an ongoing thread. Or perhaps OBMMex (the Extended version) does, at least. Most mods, and modding tools, do.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:49 pm

Martigen's Monster Mod, and... FCOM, respectively. FCOM is the only way you can run MMM, OOO and Francesco's overhaul (plus a number of other major mods of old) all at once. It also does a few other things, but in essence, it allows three, four or more major overhauls to play nicely.

Yes, Oblviion Mod Manager most likely has an ongoing thread. Or perhaps OBMMex (the Extended version) does, at least. Most mods, and modding tools, do.


Now is there any guide to updating the graphics of the game to current benchmarks? In the Morrowind modding community we have which is a huge compilation of graphic enhancement mods packed into once simple install with an options program that lets you pick and choose what you want. Only takes like 15 minutes to use and then Morrowind looks like Vanilla Oblivion or better.

If there is no guide could someone post the newest best looking graphic enhancements? Like texture, mesh, and shader packs or flora and terrain updates to make it look nicer? Don't worry about system requirements, my PC can pretty much handle anything.

EDIT: Also, even though you say that they all have threads on here I don't exactly know the names of all the mods that fit what I want. So if there are any major graphical/sound mods that enhance the atmosphere of the world please post them here. I'm completely new to almost all of the programs and mods that involve Oblivion, so even though I have modding experience I still need some help getting on my feet as far as a basic setup.

If someone could make a little setup guide or something or show me the order than I need to install things and what I need to install to get a solid base to mod off of then I would be extremely thankful. Once I have the basic programs and what not installed then as far as finding cool mods go I can do it myself. I just have no idea how to even set it up so I can start adding the mods I want.

I also might want to mention that I'm using the Steam Version of Oblivion. (Currently downloading)
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Neliel Kudoh
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 2:45 pm

my main site for cruising for mods is, to find popular ones i'd just go to advanced search and then select a category and then change how it displays them to downloads and descending order.

as for your requests i dont know much about lore friendly or graphics. but i do know there is something like MGE, namely Oblivion Graphics Extender.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:40 pm

my main site for cruising for mods is

as for your requests i dont know much about lore friendly or graphics. but i do know there is something like MGE, namely Oblivion Graphics Extender.

Yeah I found that out shortly after posting the thread. I do have a friend helping me but she's limited by her hardware so she doesn't really know about all the really nice "Eye Candy" mods that make the game look really nice.

Basically right now what I need is a base foundation to mod on (all the modding programs like Wrye Bash and OBMM) and a major graphics update (Things like OBGE and high quality texture/mesh replacers)
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Lucky Girl
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:01 pm

Perhaps it is a reflection on me, and not you, that I find this a little frustrating. You have been directed to all the sites and details you will need, to begin with. Even a cursory look at these will provide you with sufficient information and advice, and then some - such as links to still more sites, should you be that keen.

Waiting for posters here to hand you link after link, when these things are so very easy to find - as noted, previously - is... unnecessary, surely. Should you prefer to be "guided", the single site I linked to before should do the trick. That, and it has links in abundance. But now, I am repeating myself, and I did not want to do that.

Good luck, however you go about it.
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