» Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:02 pm
I'm actually worried people might get burned out on it, but maybe not. Fantasy has always been a very popular genre, in fact, it's the oldest one. Speaking of the new Conan movie, that franchise has gone from short stories in a magazine, to reprints in paper back, to comic books, to movies, to pen and paper games, to NEW comic books, and of course, the new movie.
I think stuff as specific as zombies and pirates will have the general populace get bored pretty quickly, although there will always be a certain subset of fans who watch/read/buy anything with their favorite subject. Fantasy is broad enough that you have many fans, and many individual styles. I think overall tho, "geek" genres like fantasy and sci-fi are becoming increasingly more popular and accepted, and while you still have movies like Transformers, (which was kind of a geek thing at first) theatres are no longer packed with mindless action movies like the 80's and 90's, and the ones that are generally lampoon the ones of the past, and embrace the ridiculousness of one guy going in guns blazing against terrorists/drug dealers/mercenaries.