Quest Markers & Journals in Skyrim

Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 10:23 pm


I don't mind the map marker, due to the fact that I have to go into the menu to view it, so therefore it's optional.......... now that #$%^*&! red compass marker is what I want to do away with altogether

Not sure what you mean by "check-list" journal. Or how that's different then prior TES journals.

I wouldn't mind a real journal, but in no way in hell would I want it to replace the journal system as we know it.

I haven't played skyrim yet, but I'm 99.9% sure that it will have more hand holding then morrowind, and will be simplefied like oblivion if not a little worse.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:30 am

Personally I do think the journal style is somewhat needed as it's indeed a little difficult to keep track of your quests otherwhise. What I also think is that it could do with a lot less hand-holding. I'm not a two year old that needs every single step explained. I just need some sort of journal or planner like the ones I use in real life to keep track of my appointments (quests) otherwhise I'm going to forget all about it...and I'm serious with that. My desk, computer and walls are covered in post-it notes with all my tasks and appointments because otherwhise I forget about doing them.

I can just see it now.

"Ehm, milady? Milady? I thought you were going to rescue my child from those bandits? I asked you a week ago!"
"Oh! Oh right, I did promise that...didn't I?" -looks through notes- "Oh right, they were going to kill him in two days....okay, guess he doesn't need saving now right?"
-lost reputation-

I just want a little thing in my planner/journal that tells me which stuff I still have to do and a way to shove it around in the order I want it to. I had so many quests going at one time in Morrowind that scrolling through all of them was a task that I really really didn't enjoy. Having a memo block on the side to add my own little diary however would be incredibly neat though. Give some use to that empty paper boys!

As for quest markers, give me the option to turn it off. I can understand that some people like it but I could find my way just fine in Morrowind and that didn't have any questmarkers or arrows. If the NPC puts it on my map that's fine but otherwhise let me get rid of it.
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Anna Kyselova
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 5:33 pm

Journal was fine.

I wish quest markers were only used when needed, and not at stupid times. Such as
during the Anvil Mages Guild recommendation quest. You had to draw out an ambush from a "hidden attacker" on the road, and the game marked where you'd be ambushed. :facepalm:

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Jessica Colville
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:06 pm

And it's funny how I'm the close minded, because I cannot make a difference between a quest marker and the "Simon says" style detailed directions, people are asking for.
In Morrowind, there were two types of directions, one is the really detailed one, mostly at the beginning and for the main quest and some more vague ones that are about as good as the Oblivion directions without the quest markers...

If you see no difference between the two scenario, like"asking a person where to go and they point it out to you", and "Having a constant remainder of the direction before your eyes, terminator style", then I see no need for further discussion.

OK, you won, and it seems I'm close minded, and without imagination.

I should be able to imagine all sort of explanations for the HUD GPS marker, and I should not require an in-game representation for those actions and the UI activations should be enough for me.

Why need a scroll of relocation, to use in-game, when you can imagine that you have done just that when you are pointing on a location, in the map?

OK, I'm defeated.
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Abi Emily
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 12:26 pm

To above; long live sarcasme. You have just been approved by Sunago
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 3:55 pm

Me i dont want to take anything away from gamers that like features like quest markers i just want the abilty to toggle more features.The journal is fine let me toggle the markers i like getting lost adventurers get lost .

Yes but when you have absolutely zero to go on thats quite impossible to complete the task without markers.....take a look at fallout 3. The one piece of dialogue giving direction i can recall throughout the entire game is when you are going from GNR to rivet city...when you ask the gnr head where it is he says "its south east man"....thats about it. All other quests are done completely and magically with markers.

*Picks up random holotape that mentions the word vautl 113. Quest to find vault 113 pops up without you having to think about it. Marker for vault 113 pops up magically, no thinking, game holds your hand all the way.

Maybe theyre assuming players are becoming dumber and dumber gradually and thats to blame for all the excessive hand holding.

But yeah, looking at the seems it will only get worse with markers in skyrim. Especially with the addition of radiant story. Id be blown away if they included radiant story AND some form of direction in dialogue that allowed you to toggle off markers. It would be fantastical. Dont see it happening though.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:39 am

Writin your own juornal svcks if you play on a console.. truly
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