there is something that has been bugging me for months. i go into the national guard depot to get the MRIV (or whatever) and im looking around, when i see a littl ramp on the 3rd floor that looks like with a little bit of moving stuff around, i coud get to the next floor. so i push a barrel over on top of it, and jump, then quickly jump again onto the top floor. im looking around, just doing my thing, and suddenly i look out onto a hole in the ceiling out to the roof. i see a single desk with a suitcase on top of it. i try and try to figure out a way up there, but it seems impossible. i HAVE to know whats in the suitcase, although im pretty sure its empty. if anybody knows any ways to get up there, please tell.
P.S. the hole in the cieling is next to a bookcase on the floor directly above the lever to open the sealed door i believe, although im not sure