New Manhattan Reborn Sign Up/OOC Thread.

Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:38 am

After mulling this over for a while, I decided to re-make New Manhattan. Due to my new found experience, I know what works, and what doesn't, I and will try to minimize the failures and maximize what does work.

Former members may reapply, but this RP is set several years before the original New Manhattan, so you may use your same character, but feel free to make a new one. If you would like to use your same character, feel free to change as much as you want. I have also changed several locations around.

Introduction: The year is 2277, two hundred years after the war. Its been 15 years since New Manhattan was created, and the city is thriving under lax rules and tight security. Under that facade however, is a high crime rate and tension that threatens to tear the city apart. Several high level factions have their eyes on the city and a huge conflict is about to unfold....

New Manhattan: New Manhattan is a thriving city of around 2000 people located in what used to be Central Park. The city is a 100% post war creation. Remnants of the city's former slave camp status are everywhere, but slowly, they are being built over by high level craftsmanship and glitzy buildings.

1. Cap Town: Cap Town is the red light and casino district of New Manhattan. Several large casinos are located here, and many more are under construction.

2. Central Square: Central Square is where the high towers that house the rich are located. Much of the commerce is located here as well, and as a result, this district sees the most foot traffic.

3. Reuters Way: Reuters Way is where the main entrance to the city is located. Much of the Industry is located here. The crime rate here is through the roof.

4. Balsley: Balsley is the slum of New Manhattan. The crime rate here is very high, and people due every day here from starvation and hunger. Expect to get mugged here.

5. Outer New Manhattan: Many have decided not to live inside the city but rather outside. Mostly located right outside of the western walls, farms, inns, and organized crime all make their homes there.

6. Harbor Town: Located outside of the Western Wall, the harbor houses the boats that take people to and from Manhattan. In order to more easily protect the city, the leaders blew up the bridges and instituted the ferry system.


1. Liberty Lost: After being forced out of their old slaver camp at Central Park, the slavers simply moved to the Island where the Statue of Liberty is located and took it over. The slavers run a huge operation here, and have outposts up and down the Eastern Seaboard, picking up slaves and bringing them to the Island. They want New Manhattan back under their control.

2. Mill Creek: Mill Creek is a semi large independent town located in the old town of Secaucus. Many people who want to enter New Manhattan pass through the town, filling the pockets of businessmen and criminals alike.

3. Mars Meadow: The institute also has their eyes on the city, so they sent 100 men and androids into the area. Those 100 created the town of Mars Meadow. Its looks like any old town, but under the facade, the institute is planning an attack.

4. Rabbithill: A small town located far to the west of New Manhattan on the ruins of Montclair Golf Club. Most of the people who live there make their living hunting and skinning animals.

5. Empire Radio: A small radio station located outside of Mill Creek, Fred Crosby entertains the Empire Wasteland with his smooth voice and great taste in music.


Sign Up Sheet

1. Name:
2. six:
3. Age:
4. Occupation (If none, say none):
5. Weapons:
6. Residence (If none, say none):
7. Gear:
8. Appearance (May use a picture):
9. Personality:
10. Background (Write something here, the more detail the better):

Example (This is my character. Some will recognize the name, but I retconned him heavily.)

1. Name: Alexander Scalatti.
2. six: Male.
3. Age: 24.
4. Occupation: Mafia Officer.
5. Weapons: 10MM SMG and a 10MM pistol.
6. Residence: Medium Sized apartment in Cap Town.
7. Gear: Stimpacks, cigarettes, always carries a bottle of beer on him.
8. Appearance: Alexander Scalatti always wears a suit and a fedora except when he is sleeping.
9. Personality: Alex's temper is famous among his mafia. He is very quick to anger, and it does not subside easily. He is loyal if you are loyal to him, but he holds grudges for a long time and never forgets wrongs done to him. If you piss him off, watch out.

10. Backstory: Alexander Scalatti was born in Vault 110, which was located under Central Park. When he 14, his life shattered when super mutants found their way in and massacred almost everybody but him and one of his best friends Ann. Shortly after, he and Ann were captured by slavers and taken to Central Slavery, which was built on Central Park. After living there for only two days, a mutant, who Alex is still looking for to this day, broke the slaves out, who then overpowered their masters. They voted Larry Carter to be the mayor of the town.

In the years that followed, Alex was destitute, too young for any work. Alex managed to scraqe enough cash for a poor tenement in Balsley, working to provide for both himself and Ann. When Alex turned 20 however, everything changed. He was recruited into the mafia, and after preforming well, became an officer. Soon, Alex became fairly rich. He married Ann, and is now a happy man, but that could change at any time.


1. NO UBERING! This rule is crucial. My rules follow hardcoe mode, so stimpacks do not heal in a second, but heal over time. You must eat, and sleep to survive. In addition, keep your character within human capababilities. No getting shot 30 times and still living.

In addition, people are allowed to head their own factions, but the faction must not be extremely large or uber in nature.

2. No flaming/trolling is allowed.

3. No real world political talk.

4. There is no set post limit, but we won't wait forever for you to post. IF you don't post in a while, your character will become an NPC, only becoming playable when you come back.

The RP will begin when there are enough people.
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Victoria Bartel
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:04 am

Hmmmm. New character or old one fir me

How about Mac found piece and decides to protect and hunt down bad guys in ranger veteran duster and helmet.

Is this where we left off or a whole new thing?
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:46 pm

Yay, second OOC thread. :3

Now, back to business. Voice of the People riots, big, flaming and post-apocalyptic. Who's in?
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Cameron Wood
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:03 am

Yay, second OOC thread. :3

Now, back to business. Voice of the People riots, big, flaming and post-apocalyptic. Who's in?

Explain some more and be willing to wait until morning and I'm in.

EDIT: Your Briitsh right?
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Noraima Vega
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:18 pm

Explain some more and be willing to wait until morning and I'm in.

EDIT: Your Briitsh right?

No, xDD I know it seems that way seeing as my username is Dalek (a monster from Dr.Who, a British TV show) and then my dead story "The Sunders" taking place in the UK. Then my use of the words mate and bloody. :3 But no, I'm not British.
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:59 pm

No, xDD I know it seems that way seeing as my username is Dalek (a monster from Dr.Who, a British TV show) and then my dead story "The Sunders" taking place in the UK. Then my use of the words mate and bloody. :3 But no, I'm not British.

Well I might join in this riot late in about 7 hours, can you give me a brief run through.
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barbara belmonte
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:23 am

Well I might join in this riot late in about 7 hours, can you give me a brief run through.

All right.

Well, this post goes out to everyone.

The Voice of the People are a faction, like that of the Cleavers and the O'Reilly Family etc.. The Voice of the People go against really anyone that doesn't share in their views, their rallies don't usually end in riots but in recent days in New Manhattan things have been heating up as the Domestication V. Freedom debates reach a boiling point. Of course people have their opinions and some will even die for what they believe in. I'm thinking of turning Central Square (area debatable) into a political warzone with that post-apocalyptic flair and of course, Mafia intervention.

Because you can't have a flaming shoot out with out the Mafia. :3
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Laura Tempel
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:33 pm

All right.

Well, this post goes out to everyone.

The Voice of the People are a faction, like that of the Cleavers and the O'Reilly Family etc.. The Voice of the People go against really anyone that doesn't share in their views, their rallies don't usually end in riots but in recent days in New Manhattan things have been heating up as the Domestication V. Freedom debates reach a boiling point. Of course people have their opinions and some will even die for what they believe in. I'm thinking of turning Central Square (area debatable) into a political warzone with that post-apocalyptic flair and of course, Mafia intervention.

Because you can't have a flaming shoot out with out the Mafia. :3

I'm not enven sure that Majestic would care... ah well I'll see how it pans out; more Majestic infomation coming up in another post
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:54 pm

I'm gonna wear desert ranger armor and helmet. It's in honest hearts. I figure this is ok since we can change our character alittle
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Claire Jackson
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:54 am

1. Name: Andrew “Andy” Botwin

2. six: Male

3. Age: 29

4. Occupation: None

5. Weapons: Silenced 9mm Pistol

6. Residence: Cap Town

7. Gear: Andrew carries a backpack with him at all times, he always has spare ammo food and water in it but sometimes there’s the odd bottle of liquor or some healing supplies.

8. Appearance: Andrew looks like this, when it comes to clothing he has a variety of outfits but he prefers jeans and t-shirts.

9. Personality: Andrew’s a nice guy who likes making friends; he hates making enemies but realizes that some people just love conflict. Andrew will always appreciate a good joke and will throw a joke of his own in a conversation every now and then. Despite his love of a good time Andrew knows when he has to be serious and will not screw around when dealing with serious matters; in fact he gets very angry at those who do screw around.

10. Background: Andrew doesn’t know exactly where he was born but he knows it was quite a ways west of New Manhattan; Andrew grew up on the streets of Reuters Way which had a very negative effect on him. At age six Andrew met Bill Williamson a ten year old boy who was starting a street gang called the Red Ravens; Bill had already acquired one member whose name was Dylan dikeson. Bill allowed Andrew to join the Red Ravens despite only being six. Andrew’s duties in the gang where to steal food and liquor, Andrew proved to be an extremely good thief, because of Andrew’s abilities Bill decided to make Andrew the co-leader of the gang. The Red Ravens only had three members for the first three years it was around but after those three years it grew quickly, several trouble making kids joined the Red Ravens, by the time Andrew was ten there was over twenty members.

For five years Andrew stayed in the gang and ruled over it with Bill, but during his time as co-leader he grew to resent Bill for the way he treated some of the members of the gang and eventually his resentment lead to a fight between the two men which resulted in Bill’s death. Shocked that he had killed someone Andrew fled Reuters Way and took shelter in Cap Town. Andrew eventually got a job as a bartender and continued this job for ten years, wanting to do new and different things Andrew quit his job and started to look for new things to do, he experimented with being a mercenary for a short amount but decided this was not the career he wanted to get into. Andrew tried multiple other jobs but after a while he got sick of this and just stopped doing things, he went back to his house and Cap Town and he’s been living his life ever since. But now Andrew wants to start doing something again, he wants to get involved in what’s happening in New Manhattan.
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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:25 am

Is this a new rP?
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Shae Munro
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:18 pm

It's just a new thread because the old one reached its limit, no?

Anyway, apologies if my entries so far are boring, really just establishing character personality and relationships. I'm open to entering storyline with any of the other characters/organisations in the rp. :smile:
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:53 pm

It's just a new thread because the old one reached its limit, no?

Anyway, apologies if my entries so far are boring, really just establishing character personality and relationships. I'm open to entering storyline with any of the other characters/organisations in the rp. :smile:

Aye you be correct, its just the second OOC thread as the first went well over its limit. The mods must be tired lol
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City Swagga
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:02 pm

Is this a new rP?

No, it's the same one, this is just the replacement SU/OOC thread for when the previous reached it's 11 page limit. Everything's the same, if not the RP thread would have been locked/renamed and restarted.
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 3:51 am

1. Name: Will (William) S. Gunst

2. six: Male

3. Age: 34

4. Occupation: Sells meat and scavenged food, scavenges for junk and supplies, and is willing to trade.

5. Weapons: Combat Shotgun - 23 Shells, Trench Knife, 10mm Pistol - 47 Rounds

6. Residence: Rabbithill

7. Gear: Patched up Leather Armor, a Sack to carry small items, and a Bandana.

8. Appearance: Will has a dirty and worn out face, a man who works this hard should look this way. He has a buzz cut to keep any straggling hair to fall into his eyes, and a stubbly-like beard. Bright blue eyes and black leather boots make up a man who is busy, needy for caps, and is able to talk to.

9. Personality: Will likes to get things done easy and quick. He works a lot, and has some rough times, but he cares for the people he is with, as well as his dog. He will trade with almost anybody, and is not afraid to pop you one. Toughness and care levels out to be a loyal, good friend.

10. Backround: Will spent most of his years as a young boy working with his mother at an old shop near Mill Creek. The crime and hardships were too hard for her son, so he went on his way down to Rabbithill with his Aunt and Uncle. He has had a dog named Tulip since she was a pup, and she is his best friend.

(I hope that we can all get along and have a good time with this story. If there are any problems, just ask me to change! Only thing... be nice. :gun: )
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DAVId Bryant
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:30 pm

Hey nice cs. No problems but are you sure you'd want to sell in rabbits hill? I bet new manhattan or a little before it would be better for business. Heck, it doesn't matter.just wondering.
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:53 am

Alex, is it all right if I have some clarification on how the telephone system works in New Manhattan? I'm under the impression that there's a 'landline' of sorts, so is anyone basically able to phone up whomever they wish, assuming both parties intend to communincate with each other?

Thanks, buddy. :)
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Everardo Montano
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