1. One of the plants in the garden in the Sink glitch through the table and do a loop falling from the celling to the ground and repeats
2. At the beginning of Old World Blues enemies would respawn consistently thus making lag and crowdedness
3. The Stealth Suit MK2 needs to be Light instead of a Meduim armor and needs an interface to shut the voice off- "Starting combat, just kidding!" Why?
4. The Hazmat's helmet should also have an interface to shut the Nightvision off.
5. Ability to buy K9000's from the Sink's interface store.
6. Enemys being stuck inside the rock/building at the Biopoop Garden in the Forbidden Zone.
7. The forcefield on the Think Tank's balcony is missing. (In my case)
8. In some cases major FPS drops when exiting buildings into the Big Empty rendering the DLC almost unplayable sometimes.
Right now I can't think of any additions or bugs in the game right now, so you guys list some.