List of Old World Blue Bugs

Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 7:26 pm

K, so this is a list of bugs I found so far.

1. One of the plants in the garden in the Sink glitch through the table and do a loop falling from the celling to the ground and repeats
2. At the beginning of Old World Blues enemies would respawn consistently thus making lag and crowdedness
3. The Stealth Suit MK2 needs to be Light instead of a Meduim armor and needs an interface to shut the voice off- "Starting combat, just kidding!" Why?
4. The Hazmat's helmet should also have an interface to shut the Nightvision off.
5. Ability to buy K9000's from the Sink's interface store.
6. Enemys being stuck inside the rock/building at the Biopoop Garden in the Forbidden Zone.
7. The forcefield on the Think Tank's balcony is missing. (In my case)
8. In some cases major FPS drops when exiting buildings into the Big Empty rendering the DLC almost unplayable sometimes.

Right now I can't think of any additions or bugs in the game right now, so you guys list some.
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Elisabete Gaspar
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 5:09 am

I just get major fps drop outside a lot on ps3 when several enemies spawn. So bad I have to shut her down for a while.

Sometimes its kind of fun to fight in super slow mo, but it is hard with these enemies. I did not have these problems in DM or HH.

The force field on the balcony where you start was there for me ons ps3.
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Reven Lord
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 6:42 am

The force field on the balcony where you start was there for me ons ps3.

Weird, wasn't for me but when I saw a friends play-through on Youtube (Plays on X360) I automatically assumed it was a PS3-only mishap.

...and I do agree, I did get a lot of FPS drops while exiting from buildings into the Big Empty, sometimes even resorting to rebooting the console.
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Anna S
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 6:24 pm

K, so this is a list of bugs I found so far.

1. One of the plants in the garden in the Sink glitch through the table and do a loop falling from the celling to the ground and repeats
2. At the beginning of Old World Blues enemies would respawn consistently thus making lag and crowdedness
3. The Stealth Suit MK2 needs to be Light instead of a Meduim armor and needs an interface to shut the voice off- "Starting combat, just kidding!" Why?
4. The Hazmat's helmet should also have an interface to shut the Nightvision off.
5. Ability to buy K9000's from the Sink's interface store.
6. Enemys being stuck inside the rock/building at the Biopoop Garden in the Forbidden Zone.
7. The forcefield on the Think Tank's balcony is missing. (In my case)
8. In some cases major FPS drops when exiting buildings into the Big Empty rendering the DLC almost unplayable sometimes.

Right now I can't think of any additions or bugs in the game right now, so you guys list some.

Besides an occational crash-to-desktop, I've experienced the following bugs (I'm on PC):

1. Sometimes in VATS, my character simply moonwalks out of the screen before shooting. If there isn't enough room from this, and he stays on the screen, I have to re-load a previous save!
3. Nightstalker keeps running into doors chasing me, until they glitch through.

Besides this, no problems!
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Marcia Renton
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:11 am

3. The Stealth Suit MK2 needs to be Light instead of a Meduim armor and needs an interface to shut the voice off- "Starting combat, just kidding!" Why?
4. The Hazmat's helmet should also have an interface to shut the Nightvision off.
5. Ability to buy K9000's from the Sink's interface store.

These are not bugs, making the Stealth Suit Mk2 Light would make it far too easy to repair for people that have Jury Rigging (I guess they learned with Dead Money) and the "turn off switch" simply do not exist in ANY armor of the game that have some "multi-function" (like the lamp on the T-51b Helmet).
Likewise the K9000 not being available in the store list is not really a bug but a deliberate decision as even in the case you manage to ... misplace it, there is at least another K9000 to be found.
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Roberto Gaeta
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 5:35 am

I'm on a 360. When I was finished with the High School simulator thing, my character disappears in 3rd person. The enemies I encountered couldn't really hurt me, and I couldn't hurt them in VATS.
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:09 am

K, so this is a list of bugs I found so far.

1. One of the plants in the garden in the Sink glitch through the table and do a loop falling from the celling to the ground and repeats
2. At the beginning of Old World Blues enemies would respawn consistently thus making lag and crowdedness
3. The Stealth Suit MK2 needs to be Light instead of a Meduim armor and needs an interface to shut the voice off- "Starting combat, just kidding!" Why?
4. The Hazmat's helmet should also have an interface to shut the Nightvision off.
5. Ability to buy K9000's from the Sink's interface store.
6. Enemys being stuck inside the rock/building at the Biopoop Garden in the Forbidden Zone.
7. The forcefield on the Think Tank's balcony is missing. (In my case)
8. In some cases major FPS drops when exiting buildings into the Big Empty rendering the DLC almost unplayable sometimes.

Right now I can't think of any additions or bugs in the game right now, so you guys list some.

Um, this isn't a "bug" list. It's half bug-list, half wish-list. In some cases, you're identifying developer choices you don't care for as bugs (such as the Stealth suit not coming with a mute button and being medium instead of light armor).
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:51 am

I'm on a 360. When I was finished with the High School simulator thing, my character disappears in 3rd person.

That happened to me on PC. However i fixed it by simply un- and re-equippeng my Gatling Laser :shrug:

I think that happened to me once before too.
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Jah Allen
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 11:01 pm

Just because you don't like something, doesn't make it a bug. Please don't throw around that term lightly, as we take all bug reports very seriously and investigate them all.
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Nathan Hunter
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:04 am

5. Ability to buy K9000's from the Sink's interface store.

The K9000 is a prototype weapon, there are only two in the game and rightly so. It wouldn't make sense if they were more commonly available.
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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 10:20 am

Doc O doesn't give me the Intelligence or perk speech checks, so I can't finish his quest. I have Math Wrath and 10 intelligence, the option to use it just isn't there.
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JeSsy ArEllano
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 9:01 am

I don't know where you guys keep finding bugs, to tell you the truth Ive never had one problem with new Vegas glitching or doing something crazy things going on. The only thing i ever came across was in FO3 which was a floating head.
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Kate Norris
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:39 pm

Just because you don't like something, doesn't make it a bug. Please don't throw around that term lightly, as we take all bug reports very seriously and investigate them all.

Jason I have a question regarding the sink central intellegence unit I would like to know if you guys are aware of the bug it has not restocking normally will this be ever fixed because it's the only issue I have with dlc so far.
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April D. F
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 12:31 am

Just because you don't like something, doesn't make it a bug. Please don't throw around that term lightly, as we take all bug reports very seriously and investigate them all.

Might I impose on you for an acknowledgment that you've seen the following thread please, Mr. Bergman? The SCIU vendor is horrendously bugged. I did some testing which I detailed on page 3 of this thread.
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Chase McAbee
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:56 am

Just because you don't like something, doesn't make it a bug. Please don't throw around that term lightly, as we take all bug reports very seriously and investigate them all.

The only bug that I've experienced is with crashing when fast traveling, it happens later in the DLC at times, I'm not sure what could be causing it but I'd be excited it if were looked into.

As for features I really wish you guys would change the Stealth Suit MKII to light armor.
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 8:54 am

Uh, well, I tend to crash to desktop every now and then, but it mostly happens when I'm exiting the game anyhow. Though I suppose there should be other ways to exit than to crash, even if it gets the job done :P
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Post » Fri Jul 22, 2011 8:01 pm

Just because you don't like something, doesn't make it a bug. Please don't throw around that term lightly, as we take all bug reports very seriously and investigate them all.

Ya really guys. I was gonna post a few bugs I encountered but all i am seeing is "I wish" instead of "Please fix". You guys should know better than that. :spotted owl:

But may as well post...

Anyway, this may not be OWB related but just to throw it out there:

When I am in combat, both real time and VATS, I use the Mysterious Magnum, and there is some sort of "timing bug". Like when I shoot the magnum and instead of the animation where it fires and kickbacks, it kickbacks and then fires at the sky. Again, I do not know if it is just OWB or the whole game.

And a few OWB related bugs:

Fast traveling long distances causes my game to crash. Oddly, anything I fast travel to that is near me it loads slower but doesn't CTD.

When talking to my brain, I encountered a looping dialogue that never ends, happens when asked if he wants to stay in the gel stuff and then hetalks about Jason Bright and HELIOS One. Thats when the looping happens.

Spawning for enemies seem to lag, sometimes they finally appear 2 feet in front of me.

That is all i can think of. Thanks Jason!
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