[RELz] The Famous Battles of Cyrodiil Final Release

Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 7:54 am

Fellow forum-goers,

Two years ago, in the month of July 2009, a group of like-minded modders came together with the intent of creating a mod not yet seen. They sought to not only research, but recreate the greatest conflicts in Cyrodiilic history for the video game Oblivion. The mod would be called Famous Battles of Cyrodiil, and it would be their proudest achievement yet.

Their names were Fluffy Knight, Uglulyx, Kroot9525, Cobb, and Rokknroll4.

Together our small team toiled day and night to come up with innovative ways to convey these massive and gruesome struggles in a limiting and unpredictable game platform. We ran into all sorts of obstacles: scripts, crashes, and even inter-team clashes. Nevertheless, we persevered as a team, and finally on September 29, 2009, the demo including the very first battle, Sancre Tor, was released. Though we celebrated the achievement, we grieved as well. After due deliberation, three of our teammates decided to move on to other projects. While we bade them farewell and good luck, Rokknroll4 and I decided to surge ahead and recruit new members so our dream of a final release could be achieved. It was never to be.

By December 2009, the Famous Battles of Cyrodiil mod was declared dormant. Though hopes briefly soared again in February 2010, no real progress was ever made. The mod stayed locked away in my computer for weeks, months....

In late October 2010, near the anniversary of the Demo Release, I decided to fufill a promise I had made more than a year before. I began toying around with the second battles: Elsweyr, and was surprised to find that the battle was much more salvageable than I had though. By fixing a few broken scripts, I was able to complete the battle and playthrough it for the first time. Excited, I announced that the mod that had sat for months on end would finally see its conclusion.

Now, two years after it's commencement, the Famous Battles of Cyrodiil mod will finally achieve the goal that the original team dreamed it would reach. On July 16th, 2011, this last testament and heroic farewell to the world of TES4 will be released. As I sit typing this, I ask that credit be generously heaped upon the retired members of our team: Uglulyx, Cobb, Fluffly Knight, and Roknroll4. They were the lifeblood and minds behind this project; I simply started and ended the work itself.

To those of you who patiently waited two long years, thank you. For those of you supported our team along the way, thank you. For those of you downloading right now, good hunting. :)


What is the mod about?

The mod allows the player to relive historical battles recorded in the annals of the Empire's history.

Is this some kind of Time Travel mod?

No, time travel is not involved. Basically, you will be able to hire a retired model maker from the Diorama Hall of Cyrodill. This wizard has the power to make mini models of creatures that come to life. However, he agrees to make life-size models and scenery, if you are willing to give him the information he needs. Spread around Cyrodiil are forgotten books and accounts detailing this famous battles. Should you bring these books to the wizard, he'll be able to use them to make the battle. He can then transport you to the finished battleground.

Some of you have recently asked why the model maker wants to help you. Well, the wizard's daughter was a recent victim of Kvatch. The wizard desperately wants to see if there was any way to prevent the tragedy of Kvatch. So, he agrees to help you relive the battle of Kvatch. However, he wants you to study previous battles from Cyrodiil's past, so you can learn from them and go into Kvatch prepared.

After you defeat all the battles, the wizard will finally recreate the battle of Kvatch for you. Note that this is the battle that lets you try to prevent the fall of the city. Be warned, Kvatch is a very hard battle! This is why the wizard wants you to study previous battles in preparation. Can you triumph over the Daedric hordes and see what might have been?

Do I get to fight 50 vs. 50?

No, there are no epic clashes of thousands of NPCs.

How is this going to work then?

Simple, you'll start out with a small battle. For example, 10 on 10. As models start to die, they'll respawn offscreen. In addition, 2D figures and scenery will cover up the blank space on the battlefield.

Hold on, so I'm just slugging it out with a bunch of other guys on an open field?

Far from it! There will be new armor and weapons from the corresponding time period. Also, you will be able to adjust certain factors of the battle, like difficulty. Also, you'll have objectives that correspond to the actual historical battle. For example, you might be part of a small covert force sneaking through the halls of Sancre Tor, or a Kvatch guard trying to protect your city from certain doom.

Wait, what's stopping me from bringing a kick-ass sword in from Cyrodiil?

At the beginning of the battle, your inventory will be temporarily taken away and you'll be given armor and weapons from the current era.

Will there be voice acting?

Yes and no. Only one of the battle speeches could be voice-acted due to several resurrection problems. However, any silent dialogue mod will certainly help a great deal.

What battles can I participate in?

The Battle for Sancre Tor: Fight under the command of General Talos (later Tiber Septim) himself as a small Cyrodiilic army desperately attempts to defeat a High Rock-Skyrim alliance holding Sancre Tor.

Dro'Sakhar's Last Battle (The Elsweyr Civil War): Fight in the midst of a great civil rift in the province of Elsweyr. Side with one of the great armies and attempt to beat back the enemy from a nearby valley.

Siege of Kogmenthist Castle (Optional): Hurled into the midst of the brutal Red Diamond War, you must hold the flanks of Queen Potema's army long enough for the main force to win the battle. Fought trench-warfare style, you must possess both a sharp sword and keen eye to survive. Due to the size of the battle, players can choose to skip the battle with no penalty.

Uriel III: Defend the Imperial City from the invading forces of Uriel Mantiarco, later Uriel III. Unfortunately, a mistake is made, and you will be forced to test your loyalty in a bitter struggle between good and evil.

The Defence of Kvatch: The final and long anticipated battle. Before the Hero of Kvatch, before the liberation of Castle Kvatch, before the stand of Savlian Matius, there was a bitter, desperate struggle against a surprise Daedric invasion of Kvatch. Now, for the first time, relive the greatest untold story in Cyrodiilic history. Fight besides the Kvatch guard as they strive to save Kvatch from the Great Gate. Watch a once great city be reduced to a pile of rubble. Make your last stand besides Count Goldwine himself. For Kvatch!

The Team

Fluffy Knight: NPCs (Retired)

Uglulyx: Retexturing/Elsweyr (Retired)

Rokknroll4: Disaster at Ionith (Retired)

Cobb: Historian (Retired)

Thanks for reading!
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