Meh. Once you've beaten the Main Bad Guy, what do you need Fancy Bonus Gear for? I'm fine with the acclaim of the people?.

I've never quite understood why people are so averse to doing the main quest. It's not like the game ends after it's over, and it's not like you have to do it all in one sitting. I always did a little here, did a little there, in between sidequests and dungeon crawls. :shrug:
I'm not averse to doing the MQ.... I always do it on my first character in a new game. But on subsequent characters.... it depends. In Oblivion, I tend to ignore it because I'd rather run around the world exploring (and/or trying out whatever new mods I've installed) without having the place cluttered up by those tedious Oblivion Gates. Fallout 3.... I'll pick up a part of the quest here and there, as I wander around doing other things.
(Now, I'm with you on not understanding people who don't do the MQ on their first character and/or not at all. Why even buy a game if you're not going to bother with it's content? Just because it's "open world, do what you want" doesn't mean that it doesn't have a story that they kind of hoped/intended that you'd see.
