» Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:45 pm
Features I would like to see but probably won't be in:
-Decorating/placing furniture wherever you like.
-Being able to place weapons on a weapon rack (pain in the ass and damn near impossible in Oblivion)
-Inviting your friends over for ale/party/gambling mini-games, etc. (This would allow for greater npc interaction)
-being able to set a fire in the hearth and not having it burn all the time (in fact, you should have to put it out, especially before heading off on adventure, or risk your house burning down - to remind players, Betheseda could implement a warning message that you are leaving a fire burning)
-chopping wood for the fire
Feature I'd like, and most likely in
-cooking, alchemy, and blacksmithing forge in your own home