Euclid's C-Finder glitch?

Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 1:43 pm

well i was playing today up in the mountains near the place where you get to fix/cure rex, i almost never use this weapon but this time a horde of cazadores was coming at me (full speed i might add) and they are like more dangerous then a super mutant with a bazooka (was sup with that obsidian?), anyways i decided to use this awesome weapon but to my surprise the laser that comes from the sky that suppose to destroy everything didn't come, i said to myself "WTF?" then i changed my weapon because well the cazadores were attacking me and then the little animation that comes out before the laser of doom (i call it that lol) started again, so i pointed my hunting rifle (which i thought didn't make sense) to the cazadores and it did everything normal but the giant beam that comes from the sky did not happen (again), i have bean wondering around with this glitch and it has become very annoying, so is there any way to fix it? will obsidian fix this with another patch? has this been happening since the launch of the game? is it just me or has anyone experience this?

here is a video for anyone that doesn't know what im talking about
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Julie Ann
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Post » Sat Jul 23, 2011 4:43 pm

It's no fixable, not in my game. It's a glitch yes
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