But Bethesda basically co signed with Obsidian to make Fallout New Vegas look better and make people want to buy it because if Bethesda likes it why shouldnt we?
Obsidian is the company that made all [censored] patches repairs or what ever you want to call what they did to NEW VEGAS
I personally like Fallout New Vegas besides all the TERRIBLE gliches
Wait for Skyrim and when it comes out you will be glad that you bought it
a bit off topic but in the new patch they created the companion dismisser computer at Lucky 38 and Gun runners (i think) but i dismissed Boone right after i got his combat sniper armor that took a while to get and since technically hes dismissed the computer thinks hes already eaither at the Lucky 38 or Novac and hes not at eaither place and hes not at the place i lost him at. this makes me very disappointed
thanks for reading my little rant