I may upload to PES later, but they take a few days to approve mods so I haven't decided yet. As for pictures, well, picture a floating skull with eyeballs and you have Morte.

The Elder Scrolls III
1. Summary
2. Features
3. Requirements
4. Installation
5. Using the mod
6. Known Issues
7. Use in other mods
8. Unistallation
9. Credits
10. Contact info
11. Version history
This mod adds a floating, talking skull called Morte based on the same NPC from the Bioware game Planetscape: Torment (PS: T). You can find him trapped in a skull pile in the Samarys Ancestral Tomb. This mod is not lore correct and was never meant to be lore correct. It is meant to be a fun little mod without a whole lot of substance. Morte is a floating skull after all...
This mod uses Grumpy's companion template and scripting system - updated and improved by Melian - that includes companion leveling, levitation ability, warping and water breathing. Morte will follow and fight for you if you free him first. He will level when you do (after you sleep at least one hour) and has his own custom weapon (teeth) that you can find in another skull pile in the Adrano tomb south of Pelagiad. Note that these teeth are not equipable. His teeth will repair themselves whenever you sleep.
This mod requires Tribunal and Bloodmoon.
Copy the files in the Data Files folder into their respective folders:
JAC_morte.esp goes into the main Data Files folder (Data Files\).
The subfolders in the Icons folder go into the Data Files\Icons subfolder.
The subfolders in the meshes folder go into the Data Files\meshes subfolder.
The subfodlers and files in the texture subfolder go into the Data Files\Textures subfolder.
Select the JAC_morte.esp file in the Morrowind launcher to play.
You can read more information on how to install mods here:
5. Using the mod
Find Morte in the Samarys Ancestoral Tomb.
This mod was not designed for players that choose to become werewolves or vampires. A vampire should have no issues playing with it, but those that choose to be a lycanthrope should not allow him to see you change. If he does, he may attack and/or report you as a werewolf.
There is a 72-hour bug in which NPCs are reset if you do not talk to them at least once in any 72 game hour period, or if they are not within the same cell as you. If you don't talk to Morte at least once every 72 game hours, his teleportation ring may cease to function. You can use his telepathy ring to contact him once every 72 hours or so if you need to leave him somewhere.
Because Morte has no defined body, he may not be on the same level when you levitate. If you get too far ahead, he will automatically teleport to you. Morte also has footfall sounds because he is an NPC and not a creature. This was a design compromise to make it easier for me to make him.
Most of the resources in this mod were created for this and do not require permission to use provided you credit the original authors, except for Better Skulls. Tronvillian doesn't mind resuse, but he would like his readme included and a note mentioning where his work is being used.
To properly uninstall this mod requires either using Wrye Mash's repair all function or the Morrowind Code Patch's saved game cleaner. This mod will likely invalidated your saved games unless you clean your save.
To uninstall:
1. Save the game and exit completely.
2. Load Wrye Mash and uncheck the mod.
3. Use the Repair All function to remove all traces of the mod.
4. Load your save and click past any errors, they won't show again.
If you are using the MCP, follow step 1, but use the launcher to uncheck the mod. Load as normal and click past any saves.
A special thanks to:
Elaura for all of her help and support and for beta testing.
Cyrano for helping me with my many dialog questions. If it weren't for him, this mod may never have happend.
Danae for providing me with some of Morte's dialog from PS:T and beta testing.
Latendresse for giving Morte eyeballs.
Kiteflyer for Morte's teeth and beta testing.
Raym for providing suggestions for Morte's dialog.
Grumpy for his companion system. R.I.P my friend, you are missed.
Melian for all of her scripting help.
Lokichan for beta testing.
Everybody at Great House Fliggerty and Wolflore for helping me stay motivated and getting this done.
Bethesda: Making this great game and for the original meshes and textures.
Bioware: Some of Morte's dialog (greetings) and original character concept.
Kiteflyer & Latendresse: Morte's teeth icons, his recall tooth mesh and texture.
Tronvillain & nONatee: Better skulls mesh.
Phaedrus: Eyes for Better Heads.
Melian: Morte's script, which is based off of Grumpy's original companion scripts.
You may contact me either via email at or via GHF, Wolflore, or the official forums under the username "Jac". If you email me, please put "Morte companion" somewhere in the message title or I may delete it as spam.
Initial release.
The Elder Scrolls III
1. Summary
2. Features
3. Requirements
4. Installation
5. Using the mod
6. Known Issues
7. Use in other mods
8. Unistallation
9. Credits
10. Contact info
11. Version history
This mod adds a floating, talking skull called Morte based on the same NPC from the Bioware game Planetscape: Torment (PS: T). You can find him trapped in a skull pile in the Samarys Ancestral Tomb. This mod is not lore correct and was never meant to be lore correct. It is meant to be a fun little mod without a whole lot of substance. Morte is a floating skull after all...
This mod uses Grumpy's companion template and scripting system - updated and improved by Melian - that includes companion leveling, levitation ability, warping and water breathing. Morte will follow and fight for you if you free him first. He will level when you do (after you sleep at least one hour) and has his own custom weapon (teeth) that you can find in another skull pile in the Adrano tomb south of Pelagiad. Note that these teeth are not equipable. His teeth will repair themselves whenever you sleep.
This mod requires Tribunal and Bloodmoon.
Copy the files in the Data Files folder into their respective folders:
JAC_morte.esp goes into the main Data Files folder (Data Files\).
The subfolders in the Icons folder go into the Data Files\Icons subfolder.
The subfolders in the meshes folder go into the Data Files\meshes subfolder.
The subfodlers and files in the texture subfolder go into the Data Files\Textures subfolder.
Select the JAC_morte.esp file in the Morrowind launcher to play.
You can read more information on how to install mods here:
5. Using the mod
Find Morte in the Samarys Ancestoral Tomb.
This mod was not designed for players that choose to become werewolves or vampires. A vampire should have no issues playing with it, but those that choose to be a lycanthrope should not allow him to see you change. If he does, he may attack and/or report you as a werewolf.
There is a 72-hour bug in which NPCs are reset if you do not talk to them at least once in any 72 game hour period, or if they are not within the same cell as you. If you don't talk to Morte at least once every 72 game hours, his teleportation ring may cease to function. You can use his telepathy ring to contact him once every 72 hours or so if you need to leave him somewhere.
Because Morte has no defined body, he may not be on the same level when you levitate. If you get too far ahead, he will automatically teleport to you. Morte also has footfall sounds because he is an NPC and not a creature. This was a design compromise to make it easier for me to make him.
Most of the resources in this mod were created for this and do not require permission to use provided you credit the original authors, except for Better Skulls. Tronvillian doesn't mind resuse, but he would like his readme included and a note mentioning where his work is being used.
To properly uninstall this mod requires either using Wrye Mash's repair all function or the Morrowind Code Patch's saved game cleaner. This mod will likely invalidated your saved games unless you clean your save.
To uninstall:
1. Save the game and exit completely.
2. Load Wrye Mash and uncheck the mod.
3. Use the Repair All function to remove all traces of the mod.
4. Load your save and click past any errors, they won't show again.
If you are using the MCP, follow step 1, but use the launcher to uncheck the mod. Load as normal and click past any saves.
A special thanks to:
Elaura for all of her help and support and for beta testing.
Cyrano for helping me with my many dialog questions. If it weren't for him, this mod may never have happend.
Danae for providing me with some of Morte's dialog from PS:T and beta testing.
Latendresse for giving Morte eyeballs.
Kiteflyer for Morte's teeth and beta testing.
Raym for providing suggestions for Morte's dialog.
Grumpy for his companion system. R.I.P my friend, you are missed.
Melian for all of her scripting help.
Lokichan for beta testing.
Everybody at Great House Fliggerty and Wolflore for helping me stay motivated and getting this done.
Bethesda: Making this great game and for the original meshes and textures.
Bioware: Some of Morte's dialog (greetings) and original character concept.
Kiteflyer & Latendresse: Morte's teeth icons, his recall tooth mesh and texture.
Tronvillain & nONatee: Better skulls mesh.
Phaedrus: Eyes for Better Heads.
Melian: Morte's script, which is based off of Grumpy's original companion scripts.
You may contact me either via email at or via GHF, Wolflore, or the official forums under the username "Jac". If you email me, please put "Morte companion" somewhere in the message title or I may delete it as spam.
Initial release.