Anyway, I don't want this stuff to go to waste, I want the community to be able to use this stuff it they find it useful. So, this is just a shout-out to anyone with some time on their hands who would like to test these or even release it yourself (with credit given where it is due, of course).
Have fun. Do whatever you want with them, just give credit where credit is due. Treat it as a modder's resource, except that I can't in good conscience upload these in their current state because they might have bugs or not work properly or something.
Hellborne's crossbow downgraded and re-animated (and re-UV mapped) by bodvar:
- see the "weapons - works in progress" for textured xbows
A hood from a mod (I forget which, sorry!) that was remapped by swrdphantom:
- 100% untested in-game
Dozens of ring texture/mesh combinations (vanilla stuff)
- untested, but probably works fine
Unpublished Resources - misc stuff, fixed meshes:
- untested, most will probably work
- no clue if all of these will work or if the mesh will appear crazy in-game
Weapons - works in progress:
- if you see any brand-spanking new new spear mesh bits, they were made by dirnae
- bolts and arrows: mesh chopping courtesy of Melchior
Scroll, disease, and spell ideas (open document format, open with OpenOffice or LibreOffice):
- also contains class descriptions for some classes I was making ->
----> contains two spreadsheets (.ods format), one with ideas for spell costs, another with a handy table to help edit existing classes or create new classes. Comes with new classes and some edits. Totally wipz.
Cutting room floor: these contain my "workstation" stuff (for lack of a better word). Old versions, things that I might have forgotten to include in the other downloads, things I never ended up using and forgot about... It's a bit of a mess, so be careful!

Hulking Fabricant Fix: or
- fixes the fabricant looking all dark and blueish. Erm. I totally forget which one is the actual fix, sorry! I think it is the first one.
Bye-bye evil vertex colors (MW+TB+BM):
- no clue if this actually fixes or improves visuals
Black bear texture I whipped up in photoshop a long time ago:
And, I'm not allowed to let other ppl download it willy-nilly, but Nico let me downgrade some of his bows. They have been downgraded and re-animated, but now need new textures. Nico told me he doesn't want them released as a modder's resource, so I think I have to publish them in a mod. But, if you want to put new textures on them and edit them and put them in an .esp and stuff, and then pass them back to me, I can publish them (and you be co-author, of course!). Please PM me if you are interested!