places with lots of stimpaks

Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:22 pm

list of places with lots of stimpaks...?
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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:19 am

First aid boxes.
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:20 am

If you explore a lot you'll find a lot. A lot of the shacks have a few in them somewhere, and the RepConn Test Site (near Novac) had quite a few if you go through the whole thing, as I recall. Or if you have cash to blow, just buy them from the docs in certain places/towns. The one in Novac regens her inventory every day, last I knew.

And if you're using them up very fast in combat regardless, sharpen your combat skills or lower the difficulty. :)
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 5:46 am

If you explore a lot you'll find a lot. A lot of the shacks have a few in them somewhere, and the RepConn Test Site (near Novac) had quite a few if you go through the whole thing, as I recall. Or if you have cash to blow, just buy them from the docs in certain places/towns. The one in Novac regens her inventory every day, last I knew.

And if you're using them up very fast in combat regardless, sharpen your combat skills or lower the difficulty. :)

Yes. Stop running headfirst into battles. Stay hidden and come up with a gameplan.

Oh and after you do Dead Money, you shpould be able to buy a ton of stimpacks with your chips OR a ton of weapon repair kits, repair weapons and sell them to buy stimpacks.

Vaults tend to have a ton of Stimpacks too.
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