Boone Stuck

Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:16 pm

Hey, I've recently returned to my game after not playing for a while. I used to have Boone as my companion, but when I went to the Lucky 38 the first time he stayed behind. Since then I also recruited Cassie. Well, after a while he wandered back to Novac, and now when I try to talk to him, all he says it "Is it time?" and I just have the option to say "No, not yet."

How can I get him to rejoin me as my companion?
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:44 pm

are all your companions currently dismissed? Humanoid ones, anyway.
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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:09 am

Since then I also recruited Cassie. Oreo said, make sure you don't have any other humanoids in your party. You can only have one at a time.
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elliot mudd
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 7:58 am

You're supposed to be able to say I think we should travel together. Then if you have a human companion already, he'll say to let him know when you have room for him. If there's room for him, he's supposed to be able to accept.

It sure looks like a you have an earlier save you can go back to?
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 5:07 pm

Go to the Gun Runners and use the Companion Dismissal Terminal.
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Rodney C
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:04 am

hey, thanks for the replies.

I have only unlocked 2 companions so far (Boone and Cassie) and I have sent Cassie back to the Lucky 38, but still when I talk to Boone the only dialog path available is him asking me "Is it time?" I have to say "Not yet" then he answers "Well, let me know when it is."

I played for a long time since I lost Boone so I'd rather not go back to an earlier save.
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Tanika O'Connell
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:57 am

You can only have one human companion at a time. One human and one non-human (2 total) so the advice to go to the Gun Runner's terminal and fire the one you don't want is probably the best advice. Good luck...let us know. :)
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Cameron Garrod
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 5:50 pm

You can only have one human companion at a time. One human and one non-human (2 total) so the advice to go to the Gun Runner's terminal and fire the one you don't want is probably the best advice. Good luck...let us know. :)

maybe I'm confused, is that not the same thing as telling Cassie to go to the Lucky 38? Also, if I fire her will I ever be able to get her back if I change my mind?
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Penny Courture
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:07 pm

maybe I'm confused, is that not the same thing as telling Cassie to go to the Lucky 38? Also, if I fire her will I ever be able to get her back if I change my mind?

Yes. It's the same but it might be a glitch causing Boone to be unresponsive. Go to the terminal.
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Michelle Chau
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:54 am

maybe I'm confused, is that not the same thing as telling Cassie to go to the Lucky 38? Also, if I fire her will I ever be able to get her back if I change my mind?

Having her Wait and having her Part Ways are two different things. You can only have one. When you fire Cass to get Boone, she'll go back to where you found her. If you want her back later, you have to fire Boone and then go to her and re-hire her...just like what you're trying to do with Boone. But since you still have Cass, the speech option isn't coming up for you with Boone. I'd make a new save and then do what you need to do. :) You can hire ED-E or Rex to go along with your "human" companion...which includes Raul and Lily too but only one human at a time. Let us know. :)

If you're on PC, you can get an Unlimited Companions mod and then you can have them all at once.

Added: I think that if you've hired Arcade and triggered the events that will trigger his personal quest (which doesn't happen until near the end of the game) and if you fire Arcade then, his quest doesn't work. If I'm wrong on that, someone can correct me. I've never fired him so can't swear to it.
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Amy Cooper
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 2:10 pm

Okay, I've found the Gun Runners terminal and used that, then I went to the lucky 38 and spoke to cassie and the only dialog options are to ask her to rejoin me ("Looking to join up again?" and "I think we should travel together") with no way to fire her any further. However when I talk to Boone he still gives me the same thing.

Update: I also installed that Unlimited Companions mod to see if it would help with my problem, but still no luck. I don't mind being limited to one humanoid companion, I just want to have Boone again.

Also it might be worth noting that even after using the Gun Runners terminal and ordering everyone to return home to the Lucky 38, Boone stays in Novac.
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