airburst munitions

Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:14 am

I would like to implement airbursting munitions somehow, and I'd like to know if anyone knows if this is even feasible before I start work on it. It seems like it should be.

Method 1: set projectile to detonate on alt-trigger, proximity.
- Seems easiest way to do it. My concern is is that, once fired, it would detect that the player is in proximity and would explode immediately once fired.

Method 2: set trigger type to "detonates" like C4, then somehow detonate it when it's in the right place
- I can conceive of a way to detonate it via script at the appropriate distance. Problem is, I only know the method for detonating all placed charges simultaneously, player.DetonatePlacedExplosives. If multiple rounds are in the air simultaneously, it would detonate all of them simultaneously, which would definitely be undesirable, and it would detonate any placed C4, which is also undesirable. Is there a way to detonate an individual placed explosive? Or is there somewhere I can go to learn more about predefined functions like this? I tried searching the GECK wiki for it and found bupkis (projectile page doesn't even include the mention of the "detonates" trigger).
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 1:22 pm

From my understanding, you can only script the weapon the ammo is fired from, and the ammo to perform something upon impact, not between.

I could be wrong though.
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rolanda h
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 5:03 am

Proximity needs a timer, so it only detonates if people are within that proximity for that amount of time. It'd be pretty easy to find out if it detects the player and explodes, and I'm pretty sure it won't as you don't set off your own mines.

I've got working airburst projectiles using the second method in Playing With Firepower.
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Tyrone Haywood
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