First, you need permission to use someone's work in you mod.
Read the ReadMe file to see if permission is given. If permission is not clearly stated, or you can't find a way to contact the modder personally to ask, then do not use that resource.
Always make a section in
your ReadMe that credits whose work you have used.
To use resources, without creating dependency on the esp, you must create a new ID for the object. (make it something unique, so it won't conflict with any other mod)
- If you drag the object into the Render window
before changing it's ID, the resource esp will still become a dependency. But this can be fixed with Enchanted Editor or TESAME by deleting the original resource object from your esp, (therefore just leaving your new one.)
- Change the ID before you drag the object into the Render window, and no dependencies will be created.
It's not a big deal if you accidentally create dependencies while you're working on your mod, like I said above they can be removed rather easily. Use the Preview window if you need to see an object before you drag it into the Render window.