No, it would receive poor reviews and be seen as a major step backwards from NV due to a far weaker story with very limited choices and limited numbers of quests and factions as well as far poorer features such as more limited crafting and no cooking, lack of weapon variety and weapon mods, no hardcoe mode and less enemy variety. The only thing about it that would be considered better is the much more cluttered and better designed open world with more interesting random stuff to explore, however, most would probably reason that it would not compensate.
The hardcoe mode in particular would probably get the biggest backlash as FO3 is a much better environment for it than FNV as well.
The hardcoe mode in particular would probably get the biggest backlash as FO3 is a much better environment for it than FNV as well.
You ignored what I said.
The reviews would be worse because it's obviously a step backwards, but my point is that if you were to take a general pole, Fallout 3 it would be voted higher because people are stupid.
That's right, I've lost all hope in humanity.
I think as far as weapon mods and side quests go, Fallout New Vegas was better.
However, I enjoyed the Main story of Fallout 3 infinitely more as well as the world.
I really want to know why people think New Vegas was worse than FO3. Because it was harder? Because it wasn't Bethesda? Because it was different from FO3?
So far all I can tell is that people didn't like it because it somehow strayed from Bethesda's formula, but in fact New Vegas was a return to the roots of Fallout; something which Bethesda strayed from with FO3.
So far all I can tell is that people didn't like it because it somehow strayed from Bethesda's formula, but in fact New Vegas was a return to the roots of Fallout; something which Bethesda strayed from with FO3.
There are a few tiny gripes that holds Fallout 3 over New Vegas for me, but the main reason is the setting.
Why would they take a desert - a bare dead place with little life and make it more bare, more dead, and more devoid of life.
Seemed incredibly stupid to me. And yes, I know Las Vegas is huge and lively and blah blah blah
Still doesn't make sense.