The Dead Is Dead Thread #4

Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:16 am

Time for a new thread. Links to the old ones:§ion=findpost&pid=17841204§ion=findpost&pid=17914892§ion=findpost&pid=17998446

An additional award will go to the first person to kill Stripe, the Legendary Bloatfly, Gabriel and X-42 without contracting a serious case of permanent death.

-Gunny out.
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:24 am

I'll try to brave the bloatfly without using stealth. wish me luck!
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:45 pm

I'll try to brave the bloatfly without using stealth. wish me luck!

Mucho lucko.

-Gunny outo.
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 12:16 pm

Alright, going to put OWB in right now. I really hope I don't die >_>

Alright, I'm packing Annabelle with special ammunition and an Alien Blaster.

Would using the Alien blaster consider my victory forfeit, if I get out alive?
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Chris BEvan
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:11 am

Alright, I went to OWB. I skipped all that dialogue with the Think Tank, they weren't my concern. yadda yadda skip, went to Big MT. I had to Google where the Cave was, because I just wanted to get it over with. I went inside Mysterious Cave thinking how hard could it be honestly? I had a low repaired Displacer Glove but it puts regular bloatflies in its place. I go through, and in a huge open area I see a glow. Upon closer inspection, I see it! The Legendary Bloatfly! I pull out Annabelle with High Explosive rounds, and put a direct hit on it. It did okay damage, but not enough to seriously dent it. I thought I would be done in 1 or 2 shots. Anyways, he shoots me once, I'm then begging for mercy. Even with my Tesla Armor, he just punched through my defences! I run for my life back where the huge open area started. The Bloatfly doesn't even come after me! It just stands there firing Death Star lazar beems at me, and I'm sitting there trying to heal. I pull out my Alien Blaster and return fire. It was effective, but not as much as I was hoping for. I wasn't hitting every shot, not to mention my Energy Weapons skill is sub-par. I pull out Mercy w/ Incendiary Rounds and start unloading on him yelling "I WILL NOT LOSE THIS CHARACTER!!!!!" The sunova [censored] didn't like what I had to say and dropped dead. This so called Bloatfly turned into a goo pile for some reason, and dropped some epic loot! I got 17 psycho, which was great, since I love Psycho/Med-X! I did pop some going in. I completely forgot I had 1 turbo going into the Cave :brokencomputer:

I didn't even bother with "Infiltrating", I just went in Guns Blazing. The best strategy is to hang where you first spot the darn thing, because through my experience, he will not chase you but stay in his comfort zone. Since Plasma(or whatever the hell it shoots) has slow projectile speeds, you should be able to dodge them. Although Turbo would have helped so, so much >_> So yeah, there it is. I will give it credit though, that thing packs PUNCH! I know for a fact if the Bloatfly gave chase I would have died.

I guess my character lives to see another day! Hopefully anyways. He is now trapped in Old World Blues with explosive weaponry, and has to face the likes of Nightstalkers and Robo Dogs. I honestly don't think I'll make it out alive, sad to say. Killing the Bloatfly isn't the hard part. It's letting go.*dramatic Fallout music*
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