Them's Good Eatin'

Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:27 am

If the topic or info has already been known I apologize for taking up more forum space. Just thought I could share this.

I am currently using a new character and decided to try out the perk Them's Good Eatin' to see what the fuss was about. I was amazed at how good the power of the healing items was (and I can certainly see why some would see them a bit game breaking).

Anyhow, I decided to go into Dead Money with said new character with the perk before venturing into the other DLC's. As soon as I killed my first Radroach I got some Thin Red Paste. So the point of this thread is to inform those who would perhaps had a hard time dealing with stuff in DM that have OWB that this perk can be a game changer, and depending on your views can be a positive or negative.

Hope this helped some, and for those who it irritates the only viable solutions I can think of is to not get the stuff from fallen enemies or pass on the perk completely.
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Rhiannon Jones
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