Old World Blues ending unclear

Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:15 am

Someone please clear the ending up for me. I was sent to the Forbidden Zone to take care of Mobius. I could agree with Klein at this point. After all, Mobius was clearly harrassing the Think Tank and myself, and even using his Robo-Scorpions to attack me.

I arrive at the Forbidden Zone, and find that Mobius is much more innocent than he seemed to be. I could reason (raisin ;-)) with him and decided I'd keep him alive. Here's the part I don't get: Why all the hassle with Klein upon my return? For reasons unclear to me he wants my brain. He obviously thinks he can use it to escape Big MT but I really don't see how that would be possible. I don't understand why Klein was not willing to let me go and I had to go through multiple speech checks to reach a peaceful ending.

Maybe I missed something that would make it all make sense, so if anyone knows, please enlighten me.
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