LULZ your a spoiled one, arent you?
Cryo Mines and grenades: already seen them ina ction in F3, not that great overall, since most explosives already cripple enemies after a few hits or just ONE hit.
Cryo Mines and grenades: already seen them ina ction in F3, not that great overall, since most explosives already cripple enemies after a few hits or just ONE hit.
Well, seeing as the meshes and textures are already there, it would be easier to implement.
Toxic Gas: uhhh Inc. grenades already do this, chipping at their health slowly and surely.
Different resistances, as well as different stages in the game. Toxic grenades could be found earlier on, for instance, and do less damage than the incendiary grenades. It would be the Varmint Rifle answer to the Incendiary's Anti-Materiel Rifle.
Smoke bombs: absolutely useless in a game where enemies already get an alert signal when they feel something hit their ankle, or hear the pitter-patter sound of metal hitting the ground :/ the only positives i see in this is if it dropped an enemies perception to a 0, and knocked them out a bit, but..why do that, when you can just roll in a grenade, and lead them to a Bottlecap mine? derp?
Been used in mods. It would be a defensive sort of weapon, giving you time to formulate an attack plan. Or something to, as you say, lower perception/knock our...because not everyone plays exclusively explosives, you know. There ARE blended characters.
Acid: useless again, Inc. grenades do this, umad?
Or, it could do serious damage to armor/weapons. Kinda corrosive like, after all. utroll? is the point in this? AT ALL?!! VATS already lands most of your grenades, missiles, and MININUKES dead on the target, killing them, or satisfying the user, I mean seriously! whats the point in this??!
Different gameplay situations. Toss one, not get swarmed by a mob, and be able to pick them off one by one. And what if, say, you don't particularly want to use A.) heavy weapons like missile launchers, or B.) weapons with rare ammo supplies like mini nukes? Especially on hardcoe mode space is a large priority, and having a few grenades to hold foes in place while you pick them off one by one could be more advantageous to some playstyles.
Just because I came up with some ideas you didn't think of doesn't mean you have to act like a ragetroll. So unless you can respond to me in a civilized matter, I will just agree to disagree and simply not speak to you about this again.