Lonesome Road and it's stuff.

Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 9:27 pm

LULZ your a spoiled one, arent you?

Cryo Mines and grenades: already seen them ina ction in F3, not that great overall, since most explosives already cripple enemies after a few hits or just ONE hit.

Well, seeing as the meshes and textures are already there, it would be easier to implement.

Toxic Gas: uhhh Inc. grenades already do this, chipping at their health slowly and surely.

Different resistances, as well as different stages in the game. Toxic grenades could be found earlier on, for instance, and do less damage than the incendiary grenades. It would be the Varmint Rifle answer to the Incendiary's Anti-Materiel Rifle.

Smoke bombs: absolutely useless in a game where enemies already get an alert signal when they feel something hit their ankle, or hear the pitter-patter sound of metal hitting the ground :/ the only positives i see in this is if it dropped an enemies perception to a 0, and knocked them out a bit, but..why do that, when you can just roll in a grenade, and lead them to a Bottlecap mine? derp?

Been used in mods. It would be a defensive sort of weapon, giving you time to formulate an attack plan. Or something to, as you say, lower perception/knock our...because not everyone plays exclusively explosives, you know. There ARE blended characters.

Acid: useless again, Inc. grenades do this, umad?

Or, it could do serious damage to armor/weapons. Kinda corrosive like, after all. utroll?

Sticky:...wtf is the point in this? AT ALL?!! VATS already lands most of your grenades, missiles, and MININUKES dead on the target, killing them, or satisfying the user, I mean seriously! whats the point in this??!

Different gameplay situations. Toss one, not get swarmed by a mob, and be able to pick them off one by one. And what if, say, you don't particularly want to use A.) heavy weapons like missile launchers, or B.) weapons with rare ammo supplies like mini nukes? Especially on hardcoe mode space is a large priority, and having a few grenades to hold foes in place while you pick them off one by one could be more advantageous to some playstyles.

Just because I came up with some ideas you didn't think of doesn't mean you have to act like a ragetroll. So unless you can respond to me in a civilized matter, I will just agree to disagree and simply not speak to you about this again.
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:12 am

Well, seeing as the meshes and textures are already there, it would be easier to implement.

Different resistances, as well as different stages in the game. Toxic grenades could be found earlier on, for instance, and do less damage than the incendiary grenades. It would be the Varmint Rifle answer to the Incendiary's Anti-Materiel Rifle.

Been used in mods. It would be a defensive sort of weapon, giving you time to formulate an attack plan. Or something to, as you say, lower perception/knock our...because not everyone plays exclusively explosives, you know. There ARE blended characters.

Or, it could do serious damage to armor/weapons. Kinda corrosive like, after all. utroll?

Different gameplay situations. Toss one, not get swarmed by a mob, and be able to pick them off one by one. And what if, say, you don't particularly want to use A.) heavy weapons like missile launchers, or B.) weapons with rare ammo supplies like mini nukes? Especially on hardcoe mode space is a large priority, and having a few grenades to hold foes in place while you pick them off one by one could be more advantageous to some playstyles.

Just because I came up with some ideas you didn't think of doesn't mean you have to act like a ragetroll. So unless you can respond to me in a civilized matter, I will just agree to disagree and simply not speak to you about this again.

ragetroll? just about the others agreed with me that these ideas are just horrible, if not bland: attacking different resistance?....lol...yeah, lets make things harder for an explosive-build character to come up with something to attack someone.

again, these weapons are all usless (except the smoke grenade, it MIGHT have some uses in large mobs) and their is not point whatsoever to make these..hardcoe mode a problem? look at my achievments next time and say that to me about "having problems lifting mini nukes" (just to let you know, I got hardcoe achievment already as a solely Explosive-character..easiest, if not tedious, moment in my life) most explosives ammo, such as 25mm-40mm, frags, and whatnot, are basically almost a joke once you have Pack Rat as a perk installed on your character, making these moments a breeze in carrying ammo (unless you enjoy lifting only 150 pounds of weight, you shouldnt have a problem with this, at all..), plus with the Heavyweight perk, most 'heavy duty' explosive weaponry shred off great amount of weight, allowing me to..yes you guess it, pick up more ammo!! woooowww! :/

again, your corrosive, Toxic grenades are useless overall since Inc. grenades do this job already, burning the entire target (and weapon) and damaging the target till its a crisp, or its weapon is useless :/ plus...again I say this...STICKY? idk wth is going on with your grenades, but when you hit a target it with it, the physics engine usually just makes the grenade drop down to his foot and explode.

again, this isnt Trolling, this is common sense...maybe you should think about your ideas and go back to the drawing board? the only one that I actually see some use is the 'smoke' grenade, but..thats it.
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Paul Rice
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:20 am


I think Energy Weapons were well served in Old World Blues. You have a powerful sidearm (shoot enemies in the head and they die), which has several iterations with differing effects, the aforementioned powerful LAER (O my god, it has a weakness to offset its power!), and a couple of more which are powerful too.
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:53 pm

what is with everybody and the holorifle? i cant stand that thing and a prefer the gauss rifle (not the YCS) overall.

but anyway i dont really see EW getting much in LR just because it doesnt seem like its going to be that kind of DLC, other than that like EW i just hate how the ash piles dont go away :stare:

Well, basically the Holorifle is seksy :P But in some situations it can't be used...

I read on the Wiki that the Big Mt did research there, so that could mean there's potential for some sweet Energy rifles.
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:26 am

I really liked the energy weapons in OWB. Both the Sonic Emitter and the LAER were useful and relatively powerful. I don't see anything remotely disappointing about a fully upgraded Elijah LAER. It's one of the most powerful EWs in the entire game. Sure, the damage HP is really low, but there are ways to deal with that. You can repair it using other LAERs you find around, or you can make tons of Weapon Repair Kits. With the Book Chute and Muggy, you can process lots of junk material and get tons and tons of parts. The only component you cannot make are wrenches. Having to deal with the shortcomings of strong weapons is a part of balance, and it makes the game more enjoyable to play. What's the fun if there's a super weapon with no drawbacks at all which can kill everything instantly?

For Lonesome Road I'm interested in seeing the weapons expand on solid old world weapons. Crossbows are not a bad suggestion. Good new rifles and and shotguns would be welcome too. Given the tone of the DLC, it seems like it will be a much more serious setting, grounded in the past and real world ideas. If so, it would fit to have a focus on real world weaponry and stuff, just like Honest Hearts did.
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Adrian Powers
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:39 am

explosive's are the [censored] needed for clearing the room of anoying things personaly i think that explosive's where cover preety well they've put a thumper, mercy, anabele incdanery grandes pulse plasma frag i've used all types of explosive weapons in fallout nv and in fact i loved all of these dont forget the dynamite haha
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Bethany Watkin
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 11:34 am


agreed no every one has pc's or modding equip for ps3 or xbox cause that can cost the same if not more than the console it's self
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Amber Ably
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Post » Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:29 pm

I could not possibly care less what weapons show up in any of the DLC. I would *like* to have a cleaned up, off the shelf Hunting Rifle, but I'm not playing any of the DLC *expecting* that I'll get it.
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Sara Lee
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:16 am

I really liked the energy weapons in OWB. Both the Sonic Emitter and the LAER were useful and relatively powerful. I don't see anything remotely disappointing about a fully upgraded Elijah LAER. It's one of the most powerful EWs in the entire game. Sure, the damage HP is really low, but there are ways to deal with that. You can repair it using other LAERs you find around, or you can make tons of Weapon Repair Kits. With the Book Chute and Muggy, you can process lots of junk material and get tons and tons of parts. The only component you cannot make are wrenches. Having to deal with the shortcomings of strong weapons is a part of balance, and it makes the game more enjoyable to play. What's the fun if there's a super weapon with no drawbacks at all which can kill everything instantly?

For Lonesome Road I'm interested in seeing the weapons expand on solid old world weapons. Crossbows are not a bad suggestion. Good new rifles and and shotguns would be welcome too. Given the tone of the DLC, it seems like it will be a much more serious setting, grounded in the past and real world ideas. If so, it would fit to have a focus on real world weaponry and stuff, just like Honest Hearts did.

I must have worded things wrong sorry :sadvaultboy:, I'm not talking about damage! I'm sure everyone is aware that the LAER/Elijah's LAER do alot of damage, I'm saying that the HP is too low, it's annoying to have to repair a weapon after every battle! Besides, who wants to go on a Wild Wrench & Duct Tape (No one in the SINK supplies these either) Hunt? Imagine all the wrenches and tape you'd have to collect to make enough weapon repair kits to keep this thing in top condition all the time! Before people start saying "Oh, if you have DM you can blah blah blah" I know DM gives you WRK but what about when you can't leave to the Bunker? Unless OWB is completed your stuck in the Big Mt! I assume Lonesome Road'll be the same.

What's the fun if there's a weapon that needs to be repaired time!? Imagine trying to use it against a heavy hitting opponent, like a Legendary Deathclaw. I imagine a few swipes'd destroy the gun. Even the Brush Gun Lobotomites destroy the gun!

Personally, I'd prefer the gun to get neferd slightly if that means it'd become usable in heavy situations.

I think EW will make an appearance as notes on Big Mt meteorological research project tell us it was carried out there. Not only that but a strange map can be seen in X-17.

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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 4:27 am

I must have worded things wrong sorry :sadvaultboy:, I'm not talking about damage! I'm sure everyone is aware that the LAER/Elijah's LAER do alot of damage, I'm saying that the HP is too low, it's annoying to have to repair a weapon after every battle! Besides, who wants to go on a Wild Wrench & Duct Tape (No one in the SINK supplies these either) Hunt? Imagine all the wrenches and tape you'd have to collect to make enough weapon repair kits to keep this thing in top condition all the time! Before people start saying "Oh, if you have DM you can blah blah blah" I know DM gives you WRK but what about when you can't leave to the Bunker? Unless OWB is completed your stuck in the Big Mt! I assume Lonesome Road'll be the same.

You can get duct tape from the Book Chute by feeding it clipboards after the upgrade, which are much more common than duct tapes. The only thing you can't find are wrenches, which can be a bit tricky to gather. I didn't mention Dead Money because you are absolutely right about how it doesn't matter when you're still trapped inside Big MT. I guess if you don't enjoy looking for materials to supplement the low HP of the LAER it can be pretty annoying. But personally I actually enjoyed the work I had to put in to keep the weapon in shape. I actually did spend some time in the DLC going around various locations raiding all the clipboards, coffee cups, wrenches, etc that I could find, just to create a healthy supply of WRKs. Once I had enough, I made sure that I would have tons of MFC ammo and enough WRKs with me whenever I ventured out and expected combat. It's definitely one draw back to the weapon, but like I said felt that it was a good balancing act because it made me work to maintain the weapon, which is definitely a very powerful gun.

What's the fun if there's a weapon that needs to be repaired time!? Imagine trying to use it against a heavy hitting opponent, like a Legendary Deathclaw. I imagine a few swipes'd destroy the gun. Even the Brush Gun Lobotomites destroy the gun!

Personally, I'd prefer the gun to get neferd slightly if that means it'd become usable in heavy situations.

I guess that depends on how the player uses the gun. For my character, he specializes in melee and energy weapons, along with stealth. So I don't generally engage enemies in the open. I use the LAER for long range combat against foes which cannot easily attack me, or might not have spotted me yet. If the enemy gets close enough so I cannot hide and shoot, I switch to my Proton Axe, and rush at them. For the encounters with the Robo-Scorpions I exclusively used the Proton Axe. The LAER can be a pretty tough weapon to use against them because there are often so many, and they move pretty fast.

I think EW will make an appearance as notes on Big Mt meteorological research project tell us it was carried out there. Not only that but a strange map can be seen in X-17.


There should be EWs in every single DLC. There was the Holorifle in DM, the Compliance Regulator in HH, and the LAER/Unique Tesla Cannon/Sonic Emitter in OWB. I'm sure there will be at least one EW in LR too, but I doubt it will be a strong focus. I think there are many other weapon types which have been much more neglected which should have more priority in LR. For example, the poor shotgun users have a much better point when they're complaining, because there hasn't been a single new shotgun in 3 DLCs so far. :P
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Phillip Brunyee
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:36 am

hey imho i think it would be nice to get an assault rifle energy and solid that is decent and usable for longer than the stupid 5mm POS, auto rifle is great i mean come on its a BAR and of course the tompson is awesome but i mean some thing like an fn fal and a "russian" ak hell even call it russian ak and let it carry 308 since theres no 7.62x39 or x54 but thats just me :flamethrower: :gun: as for the energy weapons a laser rifle that fires like 30% faster does just a tad more dps and i know the rcw does this but i want an assault rifle not an smg
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Jon O
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:17 am

You can get duct tape from the Book Chute by feeding it clipboards after the upgrade, which are much more common than duct tapes.

There should be EWs in every single DLC. There was the Holorifle in DM, the Compliance Regulator in HH, and the LAER/Unique Tesla Cannon/Sonic Emitter in OWB. I'm sure there will be at least one EW in LR too, but I doubt it will be a strong focus. I think there are many other weapon types which have been much more neglected which should have more priority in LR. For example, the poor shotgun users have a much better point when they're complaining, because there hasn't been a single new shotgun in 3 DLCs so far. :P

Ah, I forgot about Book Chute and clipboards. :blush2:

I hope there's new Explosives in LR as there haven't been any epic ones.
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Lakyn Ellery
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:48 am

agreed no every one has pc's or modding equip for ps3 or xbox cause that can cost the same if not more than the console it's self

Again, I was only doing that because of the person's (somewhat pushy) signature.
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Mark Hepworth
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:24 am

hey imho i think it would be nice to get an assault rifle energy and solid that is decent and usable for longer than the stupid 5mm POS, auto rifle is great i mean come on its a BAR and of course the tompson is awesome but i mean some thing like an fn fal and a "russian" ak hell even call it russian ak and let it carry 308 since theres no 7.62x39 or x54 but thats just me :flamethrower: :gun: as for the energy weapons a laser rifle that fires like 30% faster does just a tad more dps and i know the rcw does this but i want an assault rifle not an smg

wait...wha? 5mm POS? if your talking about the Avenger, then you really got shooting problems lol. The Avenger is one of the most accurate, powerful 'auto rifles' in the entire game, chewing up deathclaws in just 4 seconds and having enough in the clip to murder 3 in a row :/, even with the thousands of surplus ammo I have, the surplus ammo (get this now lol) can kill the lobotomites with pure ease, turning them into red goo and paste :/ all-in-all it would be decent to have a russian AK since they had that waaaaayyy in the 1900's.
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