would like to do dark brotherhood questline but ...

Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:29 pm

i just cannot bring myself to doing evil things in games.i always play games trying to be good.if i accidentally kill someone/something i have to replay/repent for it.am intrigued by the questline though (i must be evil :evil: :wink_smile: it's stupid i know,being a completely fictitious world.i still have to try and be good though. how do others who may be in a similar situation get over it and turn bad. if i did the questline though,would have to start with a new character as my female breton crusader would never give in to the dark side (by the gods.BY THE NINE!)
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 3:33 pm

Why not make a character who believes what he/she is doing in the Dark Brotherhood IS good? After all, someone had to request that person be murdered, so you're simply acting in the name of society. People are forced to live under the law and morality of the Empire, or else go into the wilderness and get eaten or mauled by animals. So your character could merely be giving the power to the people and acting on their wishes, without making any real moral call either way. Much like a guard of the Imperial Legion.

Plus, not everyone you kill in the Dark Brotherhood is completely innocent.
Rufio, I'm looking at you. :stare:

Or, you could always play as a Morag Tong sympathizer or something along those lines, killing people honorable instead of from the darkness when they don't expect you. That'll cost you all of the bonuses though.
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Emmanuel Morales
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:34 pm

Velorien thanks.that does make sense.if you think back to times (say feudal japan) ninjas were paid assassins.they had an honour code (just like the samurai) although in the eyes of the law they were criminal scum! i can definitely imagine my character believing that they are doing a good service (even if i think it is morally wrong).i have an idea of whom i will accidentally :wink_smile: (repeatedly cast a spark spell on) that annoying (rude) elvish guy in chorrel? (i think he lives there) he always talks to me in a threatening tone ("i don't want to talk to you!" "you'd better leave now unless you want me to hurt you" or words to that effect!) i'm sorry.i didn't mean for you to repeatedly run into my enchanted sword :celebration: :whistling: :thumbsup:
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 6:13 pm

If you try and twist the DB into somehow being justified, that gets you through only the first few contracts. After that, if there is any good in your character they must face the fact that what they are doing is slaughtering what are clearly innocent people. It takes more mental gymnastics than I am capable of to twist the DB into something other than what it is: Evil. That said, it is a well done questline - my recommendation however is, rather than trying to manipulate it into what it is not, embrace the evil with an appropriate character.
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