[WIP] OBGEv3 Documentation Thread

Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:01 pm

Creating this thread to ease my efforts in updating the OBGEv3 docs.

This is because the main thread is a mess of bug reports and issues, etc. with shaders, OBGEv3 itself and complaints about the docs. In order to allow me to update the docs efficiently, I'd appreciate it if you post here:

  • Suggested improvements to the docs.
  • Suggested additions to the docs.
  • Stuff in the docs that needs fixing.
  • Stuff in the docs that needs removing.
  • Things that you are unsure on that you think the docs should provide some direction on.

The situation is pretty much that the OBGE Wiki is pretty comprehensive (but not complete, probably), and I derive the docs from there. I'm not too familiar with the Wiki though, having not browsed it much, so I could well have missed parts that are important. The Wiki might also miss out stuff which users think is important, hence the need for this thread.

If you find yourself asking a question in the main thread, that could be something that the docs could cover. By docs, I refer to the readmes of all the packages available for download on the OBGE Nexus page. I am not responsible for Liquid Water stuff, so don't post things relating to that here.

I have little free time, but the docs are my responsibility, and I want to make sure that they're up to scratch. Hopefully this thread will help me do that.
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stevie trent
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:53 am

This is what I would add to the readme:

- improve the upgrade procedure from v2 to v3
- in the prerequisites list add a note beside the Directx9.0c update requirement to point out that it's strictly required even on systems with the latest Directx10 [i.e. vista/seven]
- users are expected to find a obgeV3.dll, add a note to that
- users needs to be aware that obge.ini is created only after a clean exit [i.e. not issuing qqq from the console]
- a game freeze is to be expected, users need to wait for the shaders to compile -- this is clearly stated in the standalone package readme, I would add the same note to the OBGE readme as well
- add a shaders list which are known to not work anymore as intended [i.e. ColorMood.fx] or are known to not load at all [i.e. DepthOfField.fx]
- point out that the shaderlist is strictly needed to load the shaders, the support plugin alone is not enough and at any rate it won't load all of the shaders. Also, clearly state that each setting from the support plugin is stored into the game saves and that those settings won't reflect what's into the .fx files
- clearly state that the .fx files are meant to be edited with notepad or such
- for most people the retro-core isn't working at all, the game looks like a slideshow. Add a note to that
- basically bring into the readme FAQs just about everything is reported http://obge.paradice-insight.us/wiki/Mentioned_problems_%28reboot%29

Also, in future versions I would totally repackage both the OBGE core and the standalone effects by merging them in a single package, so you'll have to mantain a single readme for both packages. What's the point in having two separate packages which are both coming from the same developers team anyway? It's just confusing. Carefully test which v2 shaders are known to work with v3, merge the folders from the standalone package into the core package and provide a single readme for both. It would make life much easier for everyone.
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Emma Copeland
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:43 am

Also mention that the "skip OBSE-Plugins" option has to be disabled when installing with BAIN.
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jaideep singh
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:10 am

- Explanation of how to get OBGEV3 to work with Liquid Water, if possible

Additionally, even though this has nothing to do with the documentation, you might just want to separate the current versions into their own download pages - Leave V2 in the current page and make a new file entry for V3 to lessen the confusion people have with this. Make note on the V3 entry that this is still in early beta, and then provide the V2 link for a "stable" release for those having trouble with V3.
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Charleigh Anderson
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:52 pm

1. All standalone effects including tweakable section must have read me or be made with good comments ( like Al Natural ini )
2. About dABs' suggestion to include info about not good working shaders - disagree. If making problems shader is under construction, the problems are temporary and info about it should appears on first page of OBGE tread. If author can't work on it - shader shouldn't be included in pack at all.
I think OBGE shader pack (not core) is in this place as CBash was at 292 edition http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/684/screenshot12zp.jpg/ . It seems some actual list of known bugs, issues should be placed - first page of the tread is good choice in my opinion.
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David Chambers
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 1:07 pm

I would like a definite statemente regarding Effect-support or Effect-authors in the doc.

I don't mind trying to keep the effects in sync with the new features and optimize them and so on. But I wouldn't like to get responsibalized for their inner workings, as if I'm the author.

I really only would like to create some contiousness about that, I don't want to weasle myself out of the whole issue.
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:35 pm

I'd like to know more about Obge.ini settings in depth. For example there is setting for generating mipmaps and is set default to 2. What would setting to 1 do? I get better performance by setting to 0. Would be great if you could give more info in the future for easy tweaking, better performance and stability.
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Kelsey Anna Farley
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 10:18 am

I would like a definite statemente regarding Effect-support or Effect-authors in the doc.

I don't mind trying to keep the effects in sync with the new features and optimize them and so on. But I wouldn't like to get responsibalized for their inner workings, as if I'm the author.

I really only would like to create some contiousness about that, I don't want to weasle myself out of the whole issue.


I really was not at all happy to read after the second problem report that I had posted that in fact HDR was required for PCS to work. (Well it still didn't work, but potentially for other reasons).

Because the OBGE install instructions were pretty straight forward (setting up not so much) and because they were on the same download page and because they had what looked like the same author doing the readmes - I assumed (incorrectly but not without reason) that the instructions were sufficient, they were made by the same team, and supported.

So if others are contributing please don't give insufficient info then pass responsibility on to others.

Actually I'd think creating a list of real bugs like they do for Wrye Bash would be ideal - maybe not to the extent of trouble tickets. Then weed out opinions and reviews.

Another section for shader setting recommendations that some would like to post.
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Soraya Davy
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