This is because the main thread is a mess of bug reports and issues, etc. with shaders, OBGEv3 itself and complaints about the docs. In order to allow me to update the docs efficiently, I'd appreciate it if you post here:
- Suggested improvements to the docs.
- Suggested additions to the docs.
- Stuff in the docs that needs fixing.
- Stuff in the docs that needs removing.
- Things that you are unsure on that you think the docs should provide some direction on.
The situation is pretty much that the OBGE Wiki is pretty comprehensive (but not complete, probably), and I derive the docs from there. I'm not too familiar with the Wiki though, having not browsed it much, so I could well have missed parts that are important. The Wiki might also miss out stuff which users think is important, hence the need for this thread.
If you find yourself asking a question in the main thread, that could be something that the docs could cover. By docs, I refer to the readmes of all the packages available for download on the OBGE Nexus page. I am not responsible for Liquid Water stuff, so don't post things relating to that here.
I have little free time, but the docs are my responsibility, and I want to make sure that they're up to scratch. Hopefully this thread will help me do that.