Steam + Wrye Bash Install...

Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:18 am

Ok, I have steam, and this is my first time trying to use wrye bash. I'm not a programmer or anything so this might sound really silly, but this is what I did...

I found this help link, so I downloaded the installer for Wrye_Python, Wrye_Python_3a, and Wrye_Bash_293.

It says I can skip the Wrye_Python, so I just install Wrye_Python_3a. I said yes to all the defaults, it does tons of crazy stuff and I hope I didn't kill my computer, then I installed Wrye_Bash, it was quick and not much seemed to happen, and I'm not sure what to do now, since installing Wrye_Bash still doesn't give me a Wrye_Bash application or even install anything to my oblivion directory under steamapps.

Help anyone?
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Jose ordaz
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Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 5:16 pm

There should be a folder titled 'mopy' in your Oblivion root directory (Program files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Oblivion\). In there you will find a Wrye Bash.exe or Wrye Bash launcher.pyw, depending on the type of installation. Click on either and BAM there's Wrye bash. Also, last I checked, the latest Python archive on Wrye bash download page at Nexus was 04 instead of 03. I recommend you check whether you have the right version installed.
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