I thought I read that the newest patch would allow for more than one .esm to load. Perhaps I was mistaken I would appreciate someone to set me straight if that is the case, or a way to fix it if not. :brokencomputer:
You'll still have to set the bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=0 to bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=1 in the GECKcustom.ini to open multiple masters.
on a side note you can also set the GECKCustom.ini to allow for multiple GECKs to be opened at the same time. the nice thing about that is you can compare different mods or even run the FO3 GECK to see how things were done there.
to do this set bAllowMultipleEditors=0 to bAllowMultipleEditors=1 and have fun, just be carful it's easy to get confused on which GECK your working in.