Duplicating a Vanilla Worldspace

Post » Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:19 pm

After reading Gunmaster95's (Aka. Alexander J. Velicky's!) :D Thread http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1210541-cant-duplicate-a-worldspace/ and, hearing of his success I thought I would try to bring back my "Glass Windows" cells from DCInteriors. I tried to use the method described by Justinother. This method seemed to fail for vanilla worldspaces. :facepalm:

After my initial failure, I attempted to "Deep Copy as override" into my Core.esm, from the main FNV.esm, I changed the editor ID and, worldspace name but, I keep getting an error when trying to save. :brokencomputer:

Any thoughts on how to duplicate vanilla worlds? In FO3 I could simply duplicate the worldspace, delete everything I didn't want and, build an interior that could look out onto a copy of the real worldspace.

Thanks in avance for any replies.

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Dan Scott
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Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 4:05 am

Hey Cev!

Did you try what I did?: Copying the file, stripping it of all but what you need, then using TESsnip to paste it into your esp/esm file? The steps I used are as follows:

1. Copied the original .esp file, and also created a backup and placed it elsewhere.
2. Opened the copy in FNVedit and got rid of all records except those of the worldspace I need to duplicate.
3. Look in file header and found out the next file ID should be 125280, so I converted that to the hex number 1E960. *Your two numbers here will obviously be different*
4. I renumbered all FormID's in the worldspace-only esp file, starting at XX01E960, as per the hex number above.
5. Opened both the plain esp and the worldspace only one in TESsnip.
6. Cut and paste the worldspace records, with the new unique FormID's, into the plain esp.
7. Saved that as a new esp.

Let me know if any of those steps are confusing or if it doesnt work. I would imagine copying a custom worldspace and a vanilla one should work just the same.

Also, what error do you get when trying to save?

AJ Velicky
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