» Tue Jul 26, 2011 2:10 am
Well, my two cents on this, for what it's worth...
1. Anyone in the Community may post anything they think may be of interest to one, two, dozens, or hundreds of other Community
Members, as long as they follow the accepted Community Rules. The idea is, "If you don't like it, don't play/download/look at/discuss it";
2. The Threadspinner's initial post is no different than any other of the many "Mod List" posts to be found on these Forums. It talks about
hosting some older mods that may not be otherwise available elsewhere, and directs only INTERESTED people where to go. It's just rather
3. The Forum Moderators are very active on these Forums, and if they found anything to object to, they would doubtless have said something
by now. They have not. Most likely because they actually TRIED the links involved, and decided they were "safe" - And -- trust me--
WolfLore will not let anyone anywhere NEAR anything that might offend the average nine-year-old's innocence, without making them jump
through a bunch of hoops, all of which have disclaimers. If you have tried it, you will know...But, of course, people will lie...
4. Reading, and comprehending, the entirety of the "advlt/Mature Content" sticky above on these Forums (rather than just picking out one
section to quote -- although that's how lawyers make the big bucks in RL, by the way -- ) reveals that there is nothing inherently wrong with
this thread.
5. You have been sufficiently answered by Jac.
Want to discuss "advlt Content Links" further?
Suggest you start your own thread, and attract other like-minded Community Members to it.
One person's opinion (and, as a Forum Member, I'm entitled to it).