» Tue Jul 26, 2011 12:28 am
A long twenty minute battle isn't dragged out when every second you're on the brink of death.
Like fighting that one black winged guy in Kingdom Hearts 2, Sephoroth I think it was. Bloody hell that guy was a tough cookie. The fight lasted long, and the whole time I was chugging potions because one solid hit combo from him nearly killed me. Before the fight I had to go all over the place just to get the right stuff to build a sword strong enough to give me a chance. And the fight was long, but it wasn't drawn out because like I said every moment my life was at risk.
I didn't have time to look at the clock, because I would have died.
And once I finally did win, the sense of acomplishment was amazing. The new weapon I got was awsome, but it was more than that. My mind was drained, because I had been so focused on not getting my back side handed to me. It's those kinda moments where you crack open a beer afterwards and say "Damn that was awsome."
I hope dragons are like that. Something you fear for 25 levels till you got the gear and the knowhow. And even then they're epic battles, lasting 15 to 20 minutes and all the while you're very life at risk the entire time. And finally when you're strong enough to handle normal dragons with relative ease, every now and then they sprinkle a second dragon in, so just as you let that sign of releif go you hear the flapping of wings behind you. And even beyond that, you'll hear rumors of a stronger dragon holding out in a cave. So you stock up and head out once you think you're ready. And when you get there you know this dragon's different, much much stronger, but you go in anyway because you want it's loot bad.
And when you come out after the fight you're healing drinks are gone, you're weapons are all but broken, you're armor is busted, but you have a dragon soul and some special loot to show for it. Those are the things you tell you're friends about. Thats when everything the game had done wrong is forgiven, and the sixty bucks were worth it.
Todd already said the game's tracking when you see dragons. They're not going to be like Oblivion gates with one every 50 yards. You'll see one every two hours at most. And sometimes they'll just pass you by. So I say, when they do stop to fight us, make them worth fearing.
I don't need any advantages when fighting dragons. I've had to make my own luck anyway because it's been so bad. The fight's should at the very least be even when we're at the same level with the same shouts. At least. If anything they should be stronger even when we're a higher level than them, with shouts that last longer and are stronger than ours. But at the least they should be even with us - not weaker so we have an advantage over them.