Hey guys, I recently got FONV for the PC, though I've had it for xbox for a while now. I'm making this thread because I wanted to RP a character with specific traits. For example, I once wanted to make a character who, upon the consumption of Nuka-Cola (any kind) would fly into a berserker-esque rage. It was easy enough to roleplay, but it didnt really feel as... berserkerish as I wanted. So I had the idea of modding custom effects onto the Nuka-Cola, adding a psycho-like increase in damage and AP regeneration, and maybe a speed boost and added DR. (Not much, but enough to make a difference in combat). And then I though about it some more and decided why stop at that? would it be possible to restrict the PC to melee or unarmed for the duration of the effect? Or perhaps make the PC unable to start a conversation. Adding a visual effect, like a red-tinted screen would be fairly simple I think, but the other possible changes are what's stopping me. I've experimented with the GECK a bit, but I'm not adept at it enough to do much.
Who else here would want something like this? If no one wants to make it, would anyone be willing to direct me to some guides that would help? Thanks in advance, guys.
PS: feel free to list any other possibilities that occur to you that fit along with this theme.