[Trailer/WIP] D.E.I.M.O.S.

Post » Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:59 pm


By Alexander J. Velicky

It's about time that I announce my latest project. (I was formerly Gunmaster95) I know that some (at least 5 or 6) of you are eagerly waiting for it. So without further ado, here is some info and a trailer for it!

Here is the first trailer for it. I plan to make one more that will be released along side the mod sometime in Early August.


I will have screenshots within a few days. I have to go take some nice ones to really represent the mod and it's great level design.


You stumble upon an old military bunker in the Mojave Wasteland. Inside the entrance, a mid-aged man resides. He mysteriously knows how to get inside, and invites you to take a look, being too scared to do it himself. You enter the bunker, and are pulled into a deep story that spans over 200 years! You are accidently sent back in time, and you must aid First Leuitenant Pierce Mitchell, while he fights to free his colleague from captivity, and save what is possibly America's only chance at winning the war. The Deimos.

The mod should add about 1-3 hours of action packed gameplay, including an exciting story, 3 fully voiced characters (and tens of fully voiced small part side characters), new guns, armors, and an exterior worldspace!

This mod has been a rough 6 months in the making, so please take a look at the trailer and feel free to discuss.

Beta Testers needed!

I do need testers for this mod! It is mostly done except for a huge amount of polishing and bug fixing. The issue is that it's pretty hard to find all the bugs myself. If you would like to beta test, and you meet the requirements below, please send me a message titled something similiar to 'Deimos Beta Testing Application' The requirements are as follows:

  • You should have freetime each day to test each the mod is released.
  • You should be able to test each new version of the beta and write a report within 2 days of it's release.
  • You cannot tell anyone about what you are testing. I would like to control what information is release until it's release. Posting reviews of it or anything like that is not allowed.
  • If you can no longer test, please let me know immediately so I don't keep going assuming that you are testing.
  • You may not post images or videos of the mod without my permission.
  • You may not share ANY of the files given to you as part of the beta with anyone.

Alexander J. Velicky
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Joined: Sun Jul 16, 2006 2:04 am

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