» Wed Jul 27, 2011 4:11 am
Xuvial does seem to be a pretty good player, odd to see them crying hacker. I've seen a large decrease in the number of hackers (compared to game release). You can't just assume everyone that beats you is a hacker. If I have the right person in mind, i've seen people calling you a hacker, when I believe you are playing legitly, because they can't believe a marshall can 1 hit people and when the servers are super laggy it looks in the kill cam like they aren't being hit.
Kill cam when server is laggy is highly innaccurate. Quite frankly I've seen kill cams from Xuvial that looked like a 1 hit melee'd me, but I know that with lag + hit correction, you would have scored a shotgun hit. Some of the Aussie servers seriously go **** when they reach 18 players at the moment, its terrible. You see this badly when you watch the kill cam and ZERO of their bullets appear to hit lol, which indicates massive lag.
There is a lag bug that occurs where people shoot and don't destealth, however this usually only happens once to a person, if its constant then they are hacking. The servers are actually very good at kicking persistant stealth at least. Infinite magazines?? Theres ammo lying around literally everywhere lol, infinite clip can be spotted if they are constantly shooting and never reload. There is also 'apparently' a glitch with side pack that occasionally gives people infinite secondary mode ammo. I saw one dude abusing the glitch, but I haven't tested it yet.
I seriously doubt you have reported countless actual hackers, I don't doubt at all that you have come across actual hackers, I do doubt that one is joining every five minutes. I've only ever seen Cooldudsubho play legitly, if you are convinced he was cheating you may need read up more on the game mechanics.
RE: Edgar.
In standard mode, it takes 1 hit on someone in stealth, 2 hits on someone in power mode, 3 hits on someone in armour. Though I very rarely get a 1 hit kill meleeing someone in stealth due to lag.
When the server is laggy you sometimes don't see their bullets hitting, but due to hit correction it does. Eg they come up close fire some bullets which hit you on their screen, and then melee but on the kill cam it appears the bullets miss and you got 1 hit melee killed. If they are 1 hitting you cleanly without firing any bullets and you are otherwise full health and in armour mode with full energy, then theres an issue.