including the 3 dlc′s i bought with it, and it worked great........
But it only worked once!
After shutting down my PC and going to sleep, i started it the next day. aaaaaand guess what? ^^
Steam didnt start the game.
The error message displayed was always the same:
"Steam - Error
The Game is currently unavailable.
Please try again at another time."
So i read through the forums in here and tried a couple of things. One beeing validating the files.
I did this like near 100times from the feeling of it. And sometimes it says all is ok, and sometimes it says that one file is bleh and will be redownloaded,
which it does downloading a 808 bytes small file, but it still wont start bringing the above error.
Sooooooo my question would be pretty simple and straightforward:
Why the hell do i pay 80bucks for a game and its dlc′s and it works once!!!!! But never again?
I dont want to start a flame war against a company or so, but this is just insane.
If i sold a radio for 80 bucks to someone and it only worked once, the customer would sue my ass.....
Seeing as the game did work once, i really cant find an answere as to what the problem is.
Maybe i should follow the advice i read somewhere in here reinstalling my "system"
( your joking right? im not gonna frigging install my win7 just because your game has some odd problem. i demand you fix it for the damn cash i paid you!),
but i honestly disaprove to this solution since my operating system seems not at fault.
Sooooo..... what to do next? Any solutions besides reinstalling it for the 9th time and validating it for the 101st time?
ps: the exe seems fine, since i dont get any error saying fnv stopped working or so, it wont even start ^^ lol