I'm using the 1.4 patched Steam version. Sometimes, out in the Wasteland, a critter like a Radscorpion is sitting motionless. It responds to my presence as my Sneak mode in the HUD changes from Hidden to Caution or outright Danger. But the critter remains motionless -merely idle animation of its stinger gently flicking back and forth. I try shooting it, but no bullets are able to harm. Its health stays 100%. No weapon -gun, energy weapon or explosive- is harmful. The only way to kill it is using the console, click my mouse on the critter and type Kill. I've come across a variety of such creatures all across the Wasteland. And frankly, it's bugging me (no pun intended).
My general strategy is to help in a law-abiding way (siding wit the NCR, opposing the Legion and the Powder Gangers. Since the Great Khans didn't do me any favors, I consider them enemies.)
Another thing: for some reason I cannot fathom, I cannot do the starter's quest for Alice McLafferty at the Crimson Caravan Post near New Vegas.
I can accept to deliver the invoice to Dr. Hildern at McCarran, but all I get from him is a Goodbye option in the Dialogue Tree.
- I did help Ringo at Goodsprings.
- I accepted to help Hildern to retrieve the Data from Vault 22, as well as help Angela Williams by saving Keeley.
- I managed to convince Keeley not to erase the data on my pipboy, so I could complete my quest for Hildern.
- I reported back to Hildern.
- I reported back to Angela Williams
- I also had carried out most of the Quests at McCarran and in and around Freeside. (Though not the Van Graffsand I had not helped Rex yet, though I did inquire with Julie Farkas about Rex.)
- I haven't been to the Strip yet.
- I also visisted Nellis and helped them out, ending with the salvage of the B-29.
- I helped Jack (Nellis) and Janet (Crimson Caravan), convincing McLafferty to let Janet go and retain her severance package; so no paycut for breach of contract.
- I then accepted McLafferty's job to deliver the invoice to Hildern, but the correct dialogue with Hildern won't show at all.
- I had a similar issue with the guy at Aerotech, trying to report on the two fellows at Westside; his dialogue would eventually pop up after a I initiated dialogue a few times in a row.
- But no such luck with Hildern.
- It means that now I won't be able to finish the Crimson Caravan Quests. And I hate to lose all the acquired XP, Perks and other progress by simply having to load a save game prior to the point where I might have created the "shortcircuit".
- Is this just a case of having played the wrong sequence of events? Should I have accepted McLafferty's job -deliver the invoice to Hildern- and then accept to help Hildern out in retrieving the data from Vault 22?
- So is this due to scripts not firing -or worse, simply bad scripting that causes glitches like these?
- Has anyone else come across this particular issue?
- BTW: does anyone know whether sniping the Legionaires at Nipton -thus not triggering the dialogue with "Mr. Fox"- can glitch your game at some point or another?
- And every time a Legion Assassin comes running up to me, I don't wait for him to issue his message, I just lock on to him in VATS, and make sure he doesn't get the drop on me. Is that wise in playing FNV? Could this cause undesirable game issues?