I don't get why people think Fast Travel is an immersion breaker or a teleportation system, because it clearly isn't.
Same here...
I've wondered if its actually because the game fades in one place and returns in another ~like its http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj125/Gizmojunk/magic.jpg; and so it "looks" like teleportation, and not just that the PC has made the trek on their own time, and the game resumes once they arrive).
could have been handled like this, and been spared the confusion... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XbigblL3wbU
Its reminiscent of the "wait" feature, and how its suddenly dawn after just seconds passing ~except... come to think of it, it does change the screen image for every in-game hour, and the sky brightens as the Sun rises.
I would prefer the 'Indiana Jones' style map system from the originals because it was more involved and some thought could be put into planning a route around dangerous areas or rough terrain.
Same here, very much so.
But the new games are taking place in extremely small zones compared to the originals.... so I guess it would not make sense to have the map system.
I consider that a flaw in the game. With the map system the distances could be greatly extended.