-Damage: with the proper skill amount (100 of course) and the right perks within the game, even the simplest dynamite can kill any human or pesky scorpion till we hit the big boys, which require most of the time 3 dynamites only, up to 5 for emergency, or to merely switch to a more subtle Explosive weapon and "make crater first, ask questions later"
-AoE: yes, the all famous power of explosives, comes with a great positive to it: splash damage. the concussive blast is not only focused on one enemy, but those around it, making it ideal for singular powerful enemies, or hell..a whole group of them! placing a few mines in a right placement, can gush out enough power to kill most creatures of the Mohave wasteland.
-Tactics: like the Sniper Rifle, a expert in Explosives can also have the upper advantage in a attack, from a sneaky throw of a small dynamite in a raiders camp, snickering as they get up from teh sound of a fizzing, saying "who's there?" before turning into carbon-based mush, to the artillery bombardment of a GrenadeMachineGun, leveling an entire area in pieces, to the tell-tale Fat Man, turning an area into nothing but a smoldering crater and bringing fear to the hearts of enemies.
-Distance: with the right amount of skill and perks, your thrown Explosives can be hurled even further, matching the distance of medium-to-long range fighting, making it hell for the enemy to chase you, while making it a breeze for yourself to sit back and watch as he/she/it flies in the air from the rapid concussive forces.
-Pricing: although Explosives are much fun, they don't come cheap at takes a great careful hand, and a keen eye to make these devastating toys you come to love, and therefore, come witha pretty can all be yours..IF you are willing to fork over some caps..
-Distance: this very term for Explosive experts is an image of a two-bladed sword: it can do wonders if the enemy is afar, but at an upclose range, you must be willing to sacrifice your safety..and extinguish the enemy as well, which might result in both of you turning in your new graves.
-Timing: as when comes with tactics, so much come with Timing. as an Explosive expert, you MUST always calculate your enemy, and see whats right at the right time..if you misjudge the smallest error, or miscalculate your placement of mines, distance, and enemy, you will surely pay...with your life. Timing is of the essence, do not ever have doubt of your enemy, and must always be prepared for the worst..
these 6 are the main points of interest that you must keep in your heart for all times when you pull out your Frags or Missile Launcher, and if you do so, you may wake up another blow up more things in your wake ^_^
but as I watch most of the members here, I take in heart of what they say: that the Explosives are 'weak' or 'not right' and I wonder through my experience in the Mohave, what is wrong with them? therefore, I have begun a grand experiment with each Explosive, to see what I am missing at the most and to give my personal notes. Anyone is welcome to give out notes, bugs, or personal opinions on weaponry, and I can begin immiedately on my testing runs...
for the areas I shall test in, I shall Test in Black Mountain, Vault 3, Raided Farmstead, Gypsum Train Yard, and Dead Wind Cavern, and other possible areas.