Influencing People, X-12 Research

Post » Wed Jul 27, 2011 7:50 am

The character I'm using is not proficient with energy weapons first of all. So I go to the X-12 research facility or center or building or whatever it's called to retrieve an upgrade for the sink. You can't go downstairs because of blueish energy fields. I google real quick and find some thread from some forum somewhere and people are saying you need to use the Sonic Emitter Pistol. So I go and buy it back from the dude who sells stuff in the sink, along with ammo for it. I go to the jukebox and I have opera singer or something else (can't remember) for the gun. I'm sick of typing, I tried both and neither does anything to the field when I shoot it? Please tell me how to disable these fields before I throw something hard at my wall in frustration.
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Roisan Sweeney
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