So, after playing the first three DLC, I have to say that Dead Money is still my favorite DLC, despite the fact that I like Honest Hearts and Old World Blues. What do you guys think? :wink_smile:
i appreciate the obvious creative effort that went into Dead Money. But it was a miserable experience for me. Maybe it's because i only play hardcoe, but it felt like a joyless, frustrating endurance test. i never really had any actual fun playing it. Mostly it felt like a hassle getting to the casino. Once inside the casino it got a little better. i'm an exploration/collecting oriented player though, with combat a distant second in interest. So i was just the wrong type of person to be playing it. That's not the DLC's fault.
i loooooved the dress i got out of it. i wore it on several outings while breaking the casinos.
Honest Hearts was like a breath of fresh air compared to the stifling atmosphere and difficulty of the first. So i think i reacted to it much more favorably, than i would have otherwise as a result. It was fun, but i can't imagine really wanting to ever play it again. Half my family is Native, and i grew up on a reservation. i would have handled the tribal depictions differently, but i don't fault them for that.
OWB is the most fun i have had playing New Vegas. It fulfills my craving for urban exploration, a touch of sci-fi, creepy-ness (the trauma suits freaked me out when i first encountered them), and humour. The sci-fi and humour are obviously more prominently front and center, but it 'feels' a lot like Fallout 3. So much so that it's made me want to go back and play F3 again after i am done with this DLC. i'll definitely be playing OWB again sometime down the road.
These are just my opinions. i don't mean to anger anyone with them. :unsure2: