I really think they should add some sort of vehicle system when they realese the LR DLC. I mean they could make it so we could fix up one of the motorcycles or trucks on the side of the road but its REALLY hard to do, and you have to buy gas for it or just something like that ive always wanted something like that in fallout, what do you guys think?
No... NO, NO
Let me say this the best way i can, this is Fallout not Borderlands... don't get me wrong i love Borderlands and i love the Vehicles... but that Borderlands, not Fallout.
Another thing, it would not work due to the Engine Fallout runs on Currently, it also would make the game too easy, it would take like 5 min to get from Mojave outpost to New Vegas. Yes i know fast travel does it quicker, but really the fun of not fast traveling is the trek, the one that takes you 20 min to do.
As much fun as it would be to get a motorcycle with spikes on its wheels, i just can't picture it in Fallout, or at least with this engine.
Fallout Online will most likely have vehicles, but its also a different engine, and an mmo. I know that in Fallen Earth (A Mmo very similar to Fallout) you can craft motorcycles, and buggy's... along with having horses.
So i don't no why i am advertising for a game i only played once, tho i did enjoy it, but Fallen Earth will get your Fallout w/ vehicle feel.
P.S Its a 3rd person and 1st person game just like Fallout, and it takes place in the Mojave... but the map is much larger. (It also takes place in other areas)