I'm new to these forums, and everyone seems to be very helpful and mature so I've decided to post because i have an urgent problem that needs to be taken care of. Recently, my friend and I got Morrowind GOTY, and it's our first times playing. We like to go on skype while playing these games, to talk, help each other, and overall just experience the game with one another (kind of like a party system on xbox live). However, when im on skype and i open up morrowind, it automatically makes this high-pitched buzzing noise in my mic. I can't hear the noise, but my friend can, and its so loud that we cannot play and communicate on Skype. I believe it has something to do with Morrowind itself, because other games we've tried (Broodwar for example) worked perfectly fine, and my friend did not hear a mic buzz come from me. Like i said, i would like to believe its a technological error on my mic or skype's part, but everything works fine UNTIL i get on morrowind.
So please, i really want to play haha, I'd appreciate any help i can get! :clap:
p.s awesome smileys you guys have! lol