Your character will have the option to follow the main quest or train to become a better vigilante, hunt down classically designed super villains and enemies to the empire (based on actual FBI Most wanted lists and story book villains throughout history such as The Witch from hansel and gretal, the Joker, Jigsaw from the Saw series, and many others) interact with major political figures of Cyrodiil, hang out with other heroes, go on sidekick missions with "The Vigilante" himself, defend from attacks by various groups of sworn enemies, explore elements of Tamriel's organized crime, visit new locations both creepy and luxurious, travel to Vaermina's Dream-like Quagmire, Weild a weapon too dangerous to exist, and of course...Save the world.
Right now, all of the locations and actors needed for the first 2 mission strands are completed including less than a 100 fully fleshed out enemies with schedules and bases of operation. An enormous vigilante cave hidden under a large estate. The estate includes fully fleshed out guards and servants of various types (w/schedules and days off) which is important as the estate is a huge target for bandits, marauders and various evil NPC's with their own agendas.
Now, keep in mind that I'm learning how to do this as I go along and I'm still designing some things and I'm in the process of tweaking many little details so everything is smooth and makes sense but my main problem will be the actual implimentation of quests. I have no idea how to do that. I'm doing a LOT of reading and trial and error right now. I'd love any help I could get and I know what I need help with so if anyone has any ideas they'd like to share or if anyone has some free time to work on quests I'd appreciate it greatly. Everything is planned and written out plotwise, all the important plot points, settings and actors for the entire mod are designed and ready on paper, they just need to be added to the game. I'll post some pictures in the next couple days of what has been accomplished to give you an idea of the quality of work I'm striving for.
"While the Legion fights for the empire, the Blades fight for the dragon, the fighters guild fights for money, and the mages guild fights for knowledge, we fight only for the good people of Tamriel." - The Vigilante