I'm lvl 39 have 95 AP points and want to use Action Boy and or Math Whiz to enable me to fire Christeens Sniper rifle 3 times in vats right...
I've got 3 perks left before current lvl cap...
So I look up the AP cost on the Fallout wiki and it says the weapon uses 38 AP per shot....
So np right... Math whiz makes it 34.2 a shot.... x 3 = 102.6
The problem is that when I go into vats as I am now with 95 AP each shot takes up half of my AP bar .... two shots leaves one AP nub... which cant be representational of 19 AP points could it ?
The AP bar would indicate the AP usage closer to 47-44 range
So I'm thinkin the wiki's gotta be off....
Any one know an accurate way to calculate AP usage?
I dont wanna Start investing in perks , get to lvl 45 only to find out it's not gonna work out.
Help anyone ?