I'd definately like to use it. But I think maybe it'd be more natual if the skin was more a pale light not quite gray color, with a layer of blue being more subdued . Then it might not clash as hard with the grungy look of Morrowind.
I thought of that, I even considered making them transparent like ice, but I like the bright light blue. The males are a darker blue, fyi. I'll post screens of them later.
I like the fact that it clashes, Snow Elves aren't exactly from around here, you know?

Should have some playing with this. Might even tackle the Great Tribe of Bear as a Snow Elf.
I agree, they are from an ice cave after all. They shouldn't fit in =p
Very nice but the skin colour is a bit much neon bright to my taste, she strike me more as a "blue lagoon" elf than one from snow or ice lineage, a lighter and paler blue like the ice caves of Solstheim may do the trick.
Also could you try different shades of blue in the hair instead of grey, her hair remind me strongly of http://planetelderscrolls.gamespy.com/View.php?view=Mods.Detail&id=6817 and their earthly origin, as opposed as the watery feeling your snow elf give.
What are this race special abilities ( weakness, power, etc.)?
Still they are your mod so do as you feel.
I like the neon color, and that blue lagoon picture you're getting is what I meant by it.
As for the hair, I plan on making them white, instead of gray, but definitely not another color. They are "snow" elves after all =p
They have Two Powers as of now.
Frozken spell of the Ice Queen:
Paralyze 10ft 30sec on Target
Frost Damage 10 ft 30sec 5magnitude on Target
Elven Frost:
Frost Damage 30sec 10 magnitude
Weakness to Frost 30 sec, 1-100 Magintude.
I'll add more spells and stuff in, don't worry.