Haven't been on the forums for a long time. Here is a question. When you run do you loose fatigue in the green bar? (is it green? Been ages since I played)
If so, do you have Knights of the Nine installed? There is a quest there that makes you loose fatiuge, but I don't think it was ever that much, unless you started at a high level is my guess.
No this isn't like this, this is clearly mad, something strange has gone on, i've finished all quests, and i havn't moded the game to work liek this. I have a feeling it might be OOO or MMM that has permenently damaged my attributes, my health and fatigue. I fought this hollowing, not screaming wraith who went through my body and dissapeared. I fought this lich and randomly it knocked off 230 of my health, and i can't recover it. It's not a magical feature, it's not cured by waiting or praying alter. It's a glitcjh or something, i need expert help. For even i am miffed too.