Did Oblivion gates summon lightning storms that activly try to strike you with a bolt or two?

Personally I hope each fight is a long epic dual, draining me of every singly reasorce I have in order to survive. Two beings of imeasureable power going at it, exchanging blows that could nearly kill the other with a single hit. Let me tell ya, that's where it's at.
I've been playing some DBZ Raging blast 2 lately. In all honesty it's not that hard. Even on the hardest setting it's pretty easy to get the enemy caught up in your combo's. But there's this one setting, called battle zone. It exists outside the normal game, and it doesn't have a difficulty setting. Just starts at level one and starts to go up. Around level 60 enemies start using the ultimate moves, they transform, and if you make a mistake you are punished. I sware to you it even rubs it in. Yamcha knew exactly when to use his special finisher, which just happens to end with his smug face smiling right at the screen. Lord knows I get my back side handed to me more often than not, but when you do win, heck even when I do lose...it feels like it was a real dbz fight.
If dragons can push us to the limit, making it feel like an actual fight with a
dragon, they won't get repedative.