In April I made a thread about the annoyance of quest markers and "the magic compass" to gamers who favoured Morrowind's approach at direction.
I suggested that obviously a navigational system like the markers and bee-line still remain for the vast amount of gamers who might use it, but simply there be an option to switch it off for those who favour the dialog, orienteering and exploration side of quests.
Anyway, after watching the gameplay videos, and several interviews with Todd, it seems the clairvoyance spell is an even better solution to the problem!
Need guidance? Cast the spell!
But it kinda sounds too good to be true, does anyone have any more details or insights? I looked at the compass at the bottom of the screen a bit and couldn't see any markers or anything, so hopefully this is how Beth have decided to help their fans who need a little guidance, instead of an unavoidable/annoying GUI that ruins immersion for a large selection of players. (And let's face it, who doesn't need help every now and then, Darts of Judgement come to mind for me... Dwemer Puzzle Box LOL)
Well done Beth.