Dead Money Issues

Post » Fri Jul 29, 2011 5:17 pm

Recently I played through dead money, and encountered a sort of strange glitch at the end: after killing Elijah and running away, the elevator didn't take me to where I was supposed to go. Instead, I ended up in the executive suites. That was fine, I just back-tracked ` unlocked some doors, and walked out the Seira Madra Villa's front gate, which triggered the epilogue sequence just fine. Then I found myself in the abandoned BoS bunker, retrieved my gear from the equipment locker, left the bunker and... nothing happened.

my core problem: I still have the Heist of the Centuries quest in my journal, saying 'Escape the Vault before your collar detonates', and the bomb collar is still strapped to my neck. I'm sure there's some console commands that can take care of this... but I don't know them. If anyone else does, I'd greatly appreciate hearing about it! If not, I made a back up saved game right before starting Dead Money, so it's not like I'm completely screwed.
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Cathrin Hummel
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