Dead Money Review Sadness

Post » Fri Jul 29, 2011 11:48 pm

i don't know what someone like you wants from someone like me. It was great work, and well-written, but i did not enjoy it. It's like you're going to hammer on it until i pretend i liked it, or i pretend your counter-points apply to me as a player in any way. And neither one is going to happen. :shrug:

I'm not asking people to like it.
I'm saying people are clearly being drama queens if I died only once on my very first playthrough of Dead Money, and not even to a speaker (to a hologram with a lucky headshot). Hard? Sure whatever. VERY hard? Uhhh, sure, kinda pressing it though. Trial-and-error? My ass.
So many Let's play vids on youtube of idiots who walk forward, hear beeping, spin about for three seconds, then continue forward, then they complain that Dead Money is the hardest game ever.
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Post » Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:15 am

dead money was by far my favorite DLC. it brought back memories of the resident evil games (the good ones not the last two) that i played as a kid. i loved the atmosphere, the sound design was nice and creepy, and it was very hard albeit a bit too hard probably because i went in at level 40 and the enemies scale upwards but the weapons dont. the police pistol was next to useless and the holorifle wasnt much better. i didnt have a critical build so i rarely got them. too top it off i hadnt invested much in melee or unarmed so i was kind of svcky in that regards. this time im going to try them before i get to level 20 or 30 and see if that makes a difference. :)

once i finally did manage to finish it, i felt a great sense of achievement that you rarely get from games these days. the only other current games i can think of that gave me a similar feeling of accomplishment are the obvious current king of difficult games demons souls and the witcher 2. before that was STALKER on master difficulty but that was a few years back.

OWB was funny but didnt engross me as much and i Honest Hearts was ok but is my least favorite of the three.
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Post » Sat Jul 30, 2011 1:04 am

Every game I play I always feel like there's -THE- memory that stands out more than all the others. For me, that's in Dead Money. It's in the Sierra Madre Casino lobby when you get Vera's music playing and a crapload of ghosts bust inside the lobby. I just remember taking cover by a doorway with my hunting shotgun, popping out to shoot at the ghosts with that song playing in the backround.
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Brandon Bernardi
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Post » Sat Jul 30, 2011 6:03 am

Its the internet where everyone one voices their opinion especially when its unsolicited and unapplicable. I enjoyed the dlc especially the story the characters and their obsessions and really the whole tone of the sierra madre, but its not going to be everyones idea of fun. My biggest problem is with those that refuse to seperate personal taste and good just because you dislike survival horror doesn't make DM bad your just not part of the target audience I'm not into cars if it runs decent thats enough for me but I can still appreciate the engineering and body lines of a classic car that I would never wish to own. When you make anything you make it for the people who recognize what it took too make it and for the ideals it expresses not for the whiny teen or cynical old gamer, as long as theres just one person who understands your work its was worth it.
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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Fri Jul 29, 2011 4:47 pm

Fallout 3 and fallout new vegas are the best games ever made alongside with fallout and fallout 2.

The story in DM is worthy of new vegas, the gaming is not. It is the worst DLC by far and the most terrible quests.

The linear streets, the boring colors, the trial and error style (which isnt part of fallout gaming, as you said Longknife you like DID, and yet you got killed despite having played hundreds of hrs of fallout, checking all warning and taking it easy, you yourself name 2 trial and error spots and its a blight upon the fallout gaming). I have completed DM just like you with DID characters and now when we know the DLC its easy but the courier would never have made it through DM, because unlike all other fallout gaming its trial and error.

It was sad to see it released in its state and the gaming could have been changed and still the point of letting go could have been done, and as we see the point didnt go home for the gaming community as many left with all gold bars etc.
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Monique Cameron
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Post » Fri Jul 29, 2011 4:32 pm

Those are legitimate complaints though. They basically tried to turn an open world RPG into a linear FPS horror-survival game and its clear that it just wasn't designed for it. I'll give them kudos for trying something different and I did like the story/atmosphere, but the actual game part of it was pretty much the opposite of what Fallout is meant to be. Nobody should be surprised that people might have an issue with that.
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Dylan Markese
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Post » Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:56 am

Old world blues on the other hand was nothing short of fantastic and it saddens me that when new vegas gets released as a game of the year edition it will be an incredible game from start to finish with the same playstyle in the main game and all expansions, except DM that will be what Shangrila said.

New Vegas is like the most beutiful woman, but on her left side of the face a growth called DM sticks out, its not in line with the flawless lines and if bethesda and obsidian dare, i say bring out the plastic surgery and fix DM before releasing the GOTY edition.
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