I remember little of the main quest or most of the guild quests, etc., but have a good memory (refreshed by reading here and the UESP Wiki) about the mechanics; I have a good memory I think of the leveling mechanics in particular.
So, with that background, I've come up with a build for a 'stealthy' type character unlike anything I usually play in RPGs and wonder if there's anything here that won't 'work', by which I mean anything that'll paint me into a corner main-quest-wise (eg. "you'll not be able to finish because you have [not] got suchandsuch") or will cripple my leveling. This is my current build plan:
Khajiit Female
The Lady:
Character receives +25 to Endurance and Personality
Primary Skills and Specialization:
Strength, Luck, Stealth
Major Skills:
Spear, Alchemy, Illusion, Light Armor, Short Blade
Minor Skills:
Athletics, Restoration, Acrobatics, Security, Sneak
I'm taking Luck only because I never did before, it's hard to do in some ways because +10 elsewhere would make a more obvious contribution, but I assume Bethesda put Luck into the game and made it of some use.

I have Spear for leveling END as well as a secondary weapon type, Illusion for I think the obvious support spells, Alchemy for everything else magical, Light Armor and Short Blade being her main gear; both Armor and Blade will start at 40, giving her decent defense and attack right at the start, with some 'easy' initial leveling.
All the minors are either 'obvious' skills for the character type, while Restoration is there because I always like to have 'cure' spells and healing available in spell form as well as potions/scrolls.
Would appreciate any suggestions for possible changes.