No Quest stages, no quest notes, no quest markers, just a book, casually picked up.
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I have always dreamed about "Bookworm Quests", where there would not be quest stages, quests notes, and quest markers, just me and a book, which for instance I accidentally find in a book store, that contained the story of a dead adventurer's trek through a land that he was not familiar with, but wrote what he did and what he saw, like this:
*Note, someone with more knowledge of elder English, would surely write this in a more fitting style for TES games.*
You are browsing through the books on the shelves of the library at Solitude, and suddenly a title catches your eyes, and you think that it should be an interesting read, so you pay the price to the elderly Orc librarian, with a twisted sense of humor.
You return to your residence place, decide to take a vacation from your endless battles with Alduin's Minions, so you sit by the table in your living room, and open the book, and start to read:
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"The unbelievable adventures of a dead adventurer." By a dead adventurer.
This text was apparently the diary of a long dead adventurer, which was found beside his remains, by another dead adventurer, who happened to find it while raiding a burial barrow west of SnowHawk for hidden treasure.
He did not survive the dangers resident in that barrow, but managed to return to Markarth Side with the diary, and passed away, while trying to get into the city via the sewers.
Before that within the sewers, he met one of his shady friends, which inherited the diary, and told him about his adventures in that barrow, and how he found the diary, and how he was ambushed by some monsters, and how he escaped, which sadly is not known to me, but fortunately the shady friend, knew a friend of mine and decided that he can sell the diary to him if he related to him how it was found, and my friend bought it and then sold it to me, with interest of-course.
Now I have the diary of first deceased adventurer, but do not know the adventures befallen to the diary itself, but it is still fortunate that I have the diary itself, as it is quite interesting.
I'm a collector of such items, and sometimes I find out that the diary, tale or fiction too good to keep only to myself, so I make copies of them and sell or lend them to libraries.
This is a real diary and is one of the most interesting ones, so I would not waste no more time and let it speak for itself.
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I will eventually Write the diary of the adventures befallen the first of the dead adventurers, but let me get to the point.
This can be a diary that the dead adventurer started when he first began his trek from Solitude, toward Markarth tp reach Hammerfell, but in the middle of the way, after passing Dragonbridge was waylaid by some bandits and lost his mount and other belongs to them, but managed to save his life, and a backpack which contained some food, a knife, some potions, his diary, some ink and a feather.
He had decided to stealthily follow the bandits to find a way to take back his belongings and entered some burial barrows after them, and from then on things happened to him that otherwise he would have thought would not be possible.
The diary would graphically describe the route that he took before the raid by bandits, and after that to the barrows, and the events that befallen inside the barrows, thus if a player decided to test if it was actually to relive the adventures, he could fallow the described route to the actual place of the burial barrows, and could fallow the footsteps of the dead adventurer.
But no doubt there would be different situations in the described places, because of the long time passed from those adventures, and all would not be written down.
But if we read the diary, and take note of the descriptions, we could find places that would otherwise be real hard to stumble upon, or would not be able solve the puzzles without reading the book, and it would help us reach places in that dungeon that would not be possible to reach otherwise.
This can result in some nice traps, treasures, and some great adventures.
But there would be no quest stages, with pop-ups, quest notes, and markers.
Technically there would actually be no quests, but the players can follow some descriptions written in a book, to be able to reach treasures, otherwise unreachable.
If I would have the time, I would makes some such quests for Skyrim, but first I have to become familiar with some parts of the province and its dungeons to be able to do that.
Suggestions, would be greatly appreciated.